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Everything posted by gamekilr

  1. Marked tons of fish. Between red barn and Wilson 215. No hits yet Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  2. Interested Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  3. Hawks have wrecked our pigeon areas. Just ask any farmers. Most would be glad to let u in. Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. Tagged out with longbeards. Nothing over30yds Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. The turkey have been declining for yrs now. There no hard evidence just guessing y its happing. Im done hunting them as im tagged out with longbeards. Best of luck to everyone Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. Was done by 7:15. Nice longbeard. good going to everyone that went Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. Price Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Got four longbeards waiting. Plus about a dozen more on standby. Cant wait 100 percent taking kids out last9 yrs Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. [email protected] Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. 200 shipped ? Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. Pm me brian Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. Observe practice and just have fun. Then if u like it. Then get more serious. Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. looking for a dual rod setup or 4 single adjustable rod holders for a trax system thanks
  14. Ill pay shipping want them Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. pmed you this morning want them
  16. Will ship? Id take them Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. very interested
  18. How much for rod holders? Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. Cheap cannons just listed Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. Cheap cheap for them Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. That's awsome Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  22. Pattern,pattern try different things. Everyone has different opinions and options mines Mossberg835 extra full stock choke Winchester double x 4 21/4. Can put 15 pellets in the head at 70 on paper . But shoot what makes u feel comfortable Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. 12 for sure 3.5 number 4 2 1/4 oz. Makes up for missed judge yardage. Easy 60yd And u dont remember pulling the trigger. No bruises unless ur fragile :rolleyes: Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  24. Where u located Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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