with all the great information and advice giving about sd vs flasher. how about a picture of the setup's people run. I've never caught one running a flasher or sd and flys. but I owies have two out there trying. maybe this will help the real beginner and the unlucky one.
Ray where in Indiana? That's my bread and butter state. Try using colored smoke bombs to see the air flow current. Can see the smoke and watch it flow through the woods <br /><br />Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app<br /><br />
Seeing lots of small bucks back together again. 7 bucks yesterday, 4 today. Watched8 pt breed a doe yesterday. So far as the rest of the day will tell. Hoping for a action pack night again.
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
If u kmw anything about deer. Well worth 20 bucks. Called in two shooters for people during gun season with it
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
The complete deer call. Sounds like deer walking in leaves. Hands down my newest secret weapon. Made in pa.
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
anyone fishing the western end? olcott/Wilson area's. I know it's tournament time. but any info would be helpful. heading out of olcott sunday morning. hoping to get a kid his first king. I don't have a probe. but got lots spoons sd/fly and i'll try meats. even though I've never had a fish on sd/ fli or meat. got a boat that can handle and a gps. again any info would be great. I'll do live updates if got anything thanks