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  1. I don't know the area but I find "windfinder" is a good site for weather conditions. Good luck!
  2. What is te slot for lakers, I was not aware of one.
  3. I have never launched from point anne but I don't think it is much of a facility. If it was my boat I would drive to herchimer, I have used the ramps there and they are very good, however it is still a bit shallow right at the ramp so take your time and watch the depths. I launch my 19.5ft Bayliner and it got a pretty good draw and I had no issues so you should be fine.
  4. I was thinking about bringing my Keurig on my boat, tough to beat fresh coffee on the open water.
  5. Here is the Leaderboard from the weekend derby, there must be some fish there, maybe my neighbour just didn't have any luck? # Name Weight 1 Rob Wengel 11.9200 2 John Grills 11.3000 3 Jeff Lupton 11.0600 4 Michael Ball 11.0600 5 Eric Winter 10.8600 6 charles pace 10.7100 7 STEPHEN BENOIT 10.5300 8 Andrew Ball 10.5100 9 Keith LAMB 10.4900 10 robert chamberlain 10.4200
  6. My neighbour just got back from Quinte and he said it was dead. He talked to Pete Bowman from Fish 'n' Canada and he said they have been killing them in the lower Niagara and believes that the storm we had a couple/three weeks ago screwed the fish up and they got turned around on their way up to Quinte. The belief is Quinte will be bare for a few more weeks.
  7. This was my second salmon caught but it's a good story. It was father's day 2010 and I got to pick what the family does for the day so I decided to take my wife and two daughters for a boat ride. At the last minute I decided to bring a fishing rod. we launched from 50 point (Grimsby Ontario Canada) and cruised out to 70 ft of water. I set down a black/purple nasty boy to 50ft and we trolled around for about 5 minutes and bang the rigger fired so I grabbed the rod and right away I knew it was a big fish, he pulled line and fought hard for about 30 minutes and then he flopped on the surface and my wife couldn't believe how big that fish was. I still did not own a net so I had to wait until he was tired enough and then pulled him up by his gill plate. He weighed in at 36 lbs and we took a couple of quick pictures and then got him back into the water to fight another day. I attached a pic taken with my 3 yr old daughter, you can see she was a little intimidated by this huge fish. The biggest fish I have caught since is 25lbs, so I used up all my luck early in my salmon fishing career.
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