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Everything posted by zadvorney

  1. Was out the other day. Same place. Marked a bunch but no takers. Glad you got a few.
  2. I broke out the planer board mast my neighbor gave me. I love it. I went out yesterday with it. Easy to use. I like it better than the in lines. Only caught a bass. Trolled the bar on the way in and got two Lakers. I'll try the red next time out. Again, thank you. The lure in that things mouth is a 6" x rap. What a donkey of a fish!
  3. Caught first ever brown trout. Three actually. Thank you to everyone on here for the sharing of information. What a pretty fish. Now to catch a salmon...
  4. I went out east of the bar. Got one jack salmon. I'll take it as a win!
  5. Thank you for the information. I'll try again next week. Might make it a two-fer and hit artpark for some smelt as well.
  6. I cast my arm off the end of the pier Saturday. Spoons and plugs. All to no avail. Wind was from the east then south east at dark. Saw some large fish surface in the channel, no idea what they were. Before I make the trip again, what would be a good wind? First light or evening? End of the pier at the color change or close to shore? Thanks in advance.
  7. Not a bad couple of hours. Water looks like glass.
  8. Absolutely Slamming!!!
  9. Whack-a-doo that's a big one! Im to understand that lakers can live a long time so that one must be ancient. What a fishery we have here available to us. Nice job.
  10. I love the fishing outfit! Great pic.
  11. Two books will help you tremendously. Sander's Fishing Guide and Western New York Fishing Map Guide Both are around $25.00 and are in Dick's, Gander or Cabelas. Worth the money. Maps, access points and what is biting during the season. That and go back and read the old posts. Good luck and welcome to Western New York. The people here are welcoming and of good nature. The fishing is world class for steel head in the streams and lakes and the duck hunting can be great as well.
  12. That's one of the best pics I've seen on here. I'd put that on the wall as a trophy.
  13. Real nice.
  14. I'm amazed at how many posts this thread has gotten to. An under rated fish for it's sporting potential. I can see it now, a special bonus category in the next LOTSA tourny.
  15. My son and I caught a nice small one. Maybe 18". Filleted it and cooked it up with perch and walleyes. Taste is similar and the texture is more firm. We will do it again but throw back the big ones as I've yet to taste a huge fish that wasn't a bit strong. The chowder idea is perfect and I'm glad you mentioned it.
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