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Major Haul

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  1. Entire week here this week. 2 boats. Not 1 king caught. Slooooww fishing here
  2. Fished sunday eve for 3 hrs. 2 boats, 1 lake trout. Will take some time to figure this out after the weekends weather
  3. Fished east of power plant in 30 fow. 20 down. 20 kings and 1 coho. All on spoons. Mostly orange, greasy chicken, orange uv gator. 8 to 15 ft behind the balls. Moving the ball or lead line helped get hits. Missed another 6 or 7 bites. Also best speed was 2.6
  4. Historic fishing for all. Today was 25 kings and 2 lakers by 1 pm. 50 Fow, 20 to 30 down. All spoons. Yesterday was 18 salmon and day before was 16. Largest has been 20 lbs with lots of 17 to 19. Fish are fat! Most have been released.
  5. We fished Sunday toThursday. Fishing sure changed as the lake was trying to set back up after that blow last week. The fishing was slow , with steady picks of all ages of kings. Our best kings were 22.5, 21, 19 and then all the rest were smaller. We tried out to 500 fow several times, but our best consistent luck was 140 to 160 fow. It was mostly a meat bite down 100. Green dot, 2 face, regular and UV. A few spoons fired, green Jean's and pickle seed at 80 ft. All in all it was a good trip and you really had to put your time in to get fish. We also had 5 grandkids kids with us and they all got a fish or two.
  6. I Feel your pain. My bracket broke in the same spot on our spring trip!
  7. I have run my Fish Hawk on the same side as my other 2 lowrance transducers for 3 yrs now. On the same board. Works perfect
  8. Started out in 70 ft of water and it took awhile to find them. Once we did itv was game on. We could not get all the rods in the water. Kings 12 to 19lbs were hitting dark spoons at all depths from 25 ft down to 55 ft down . Speed was critical with 2.7 being the best. In all probably 25 kings on. Boated 15 or so and kept 3. Didn't matter east or west of the harbor. 70 fow to 140 fow. A morning to remember.
  9. I am ready to retire my old home made wood planer boards. What is regarded as the best planer boards out there?
  10. Olcott 5/18 We had 5 boats from Maine here this week starting Sunday. Fishing has been very slow for all the boats. Usually just a couple fish each boat/day. Today all boats were out and only 1 small king was caught. Yesterday we had our best day with 8 fish in my boat. 2 steelhead, 2 browns, and 4 lakers. Lots of bait in the 50 to 60 fow. The steelies were caught on 4 color lead core and purple gators and sodus buckeye. The couple kings were caught on purple spoons and a green up spoon off the dypsy. 1 king was off the 250 copper and a green uv spoon. The west wind has warmed the water up a lot since Sunday and the bait does seem to be setting up good. Highlight was a 15.5 lb brown caught by Fish Hunter in 8.5 fow on a mooselook spoon. Slowest spring fishing I can remember in over 30 yrs.
  11. Who sells the 5, 7, and 10 color lead setups all made with backing and leader? I bought some a few yrs ago but can't remember who
  12. Headed out at 4. No boats! Had the lake to ourselves. Fished in front of the harbor 80 to 100fow. Doubled up right off. Had a great 3 hrs with 4 kings. 14lbs largest. 3 lakers, and several small coho plus a few missed. All spoon bite and kings were anywhere from 35 down to 75 down. Fish were showing all over the screen. Wish I was here the next 4 days but we are heading back home after a great week!
  13. Fished west of the harbor 6 to 12. Lots of boats! Caught A 17 lb laker, 1 coho, 2 small kings 5-6 lbs. Did miss a good king off the copper. All on spoons in 100fow about 60 down. Lots of marks but a slow bite
  14. A nice king for this time of year. 20.5 lbs. west of Olcott. 80fow 71 down on ff
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