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Everything posted by signalman

  1. I have a ford 150 with twin turbo v6 it pulls my 23-6 penn yan hard top with no problem
  2. Congratulation,s Mrs Legg.
  3. I have two boat,s and they both have kicker,s on them and they have saved me on a few occasion,s.
  4. You definitely go top shelf with the rifle,s.
  5. mike calabrese 97 genesee st geneva ny 14456
  6. Myself and a friend went out today for a short troll and had action in 550.two mature,s one weighing 26 and the other one never took it out of the water but was equally ass big,also had three steelheads none very big but fun.Nothing o n meat everything on spoon,s and doctor fly
  7. Are those contender lures silver back?

    1. PhatCat


      I’ll check and let you know 

    2. PhatCat
  8. Good going Bill.
  9. I have some thundersticks and deep dive reef runners i,am willing to sell all new 5.00 apiece and shipping.
  10. I,am wanting to buy a printed circuit board for a mag 5hs cannon downrigger.Thanks Mike
  11. Tractor supply has it also i just went thru this with my boat i pumped out one tank it was half full about half of that was bad i should be good to go now.
  12. Great post dave thankyou for the scoop.
  13. Congratulation,s Justin on one hell of a fish.
  14. Good going Dan i know it can be a lot of fun with the hog,s,i went on a night hunt with a outfitter a few yrs ago,and he supplied me with a ar10 with gen 3 night scope and suppressed,we got the bacon.
  15. That,s a beauty.
  16. I would hope they do some of the trib,s on the north end also.
  17. Les there is no message in my box.ll

  18. Where did you fish out of?
  19. I guess there wont be much ontario fishing this year from the sound,s of thing,s.
  20. Yeah Mike you are do for a new one:lol:

    1. Frogger


      I just saw this lol

  21. I was by dean,s cove this morning and i noticed they have built a new dock all pressure treated lumber and it is nearly complete.Should make for easier access this spring.
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  22. Broke off i put two new battery,s in the spring and ran all year with no problem with the rigger,s cooking board,s.I run 4 rigger,s also i think that may be the key to keeping them going.
  23. I,am looking for a 12ga or 20ga 1100 barrel with a cutts spreader choke on it.
  24. Good going longspurs i have been hunting them this winter and have not had that kind of luck.
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