This was taken in Georgia, Vermont this year by a family member. I realize this post is talking about New York but still that's fairly close.
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Saturday our best riggers were 135' and 150'. Sunday our best riggers were 150' and 170', only one king came above 100' and that was a 99' rigger.
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Not sure how deep thermocline was... We probed down to about 120' and it was still in the upper 50's to low 60's.
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Fished in front of sodus today, with best water being between 280'and 380'. Pretty bumpy at times, but we had a strong bite. We went 8 for 15 with one steelhead and the rest kings. Largest weighing 25 lbs 3 oz on the loc scales. Steelhead was on a green and black spoon on a slider. The kings all came on flashers and flys/meat. Colors ranged but green with some glow seemed to produce best.
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Trolled between 100 and 200 ft. Pretty bumpy at times but managed to go 15 for 20. Mix of kings, browns, steelies, and lakers. Largest brown was good enough for 2nd place in LOC for today. All hits on green/black spoons and red spoons.
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Surface temps for us were in the mid 50's. Our probe was at 35-45 ft and that temp was about 45 deg. Our largest king came on a 10 color lead core but we also took kings down 100'.
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Fished from 5:30 to 12 today. Concentrated our efforts in the 100ft to 160ft range with success on stick baits, spoons on riggers, dipsys, and 10 color lead core. Colors were all over the spectrum. Finished day 11 for 18 with 3 kings, 1 lake trout, and the rest being a pick of great quality steelhead. Largest king was 17.5 lbs.
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Guppie we are headed out this morning. I fish with Jennings every weekend. Going to head west of chute and focus on 80-120 ft of water.
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Fished west of sodus this morning, first fish on was a stout brown trout. This big guy hit a 4 inch rapala over 8 feet of water. He hit 200 ft back and almost instantly cleared the water giving us a spectacular show and a little insight as to what we were in for. The man behind the rod fought the fish perfectly and was rewarded with the largest fish he had ever landed, a 14 lb 14 oz hooked jaw brown. All in all great fish, great fight, and great friends.
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Weird right? We found the same thing when we left there today. If its any help we went 4 for 5 between 180 and 280 ft of water, just west of boulders. 2 steelhead, 1 coho, and a 26 lb king.
Thanks for the responses, I figured with all the charter captains taking out so many people even if a small percentage enter the derby that's still a very large number.
Does anyone know or could anyone give an estimate as to how many individuals enter the Fall LOC? Not looking for specifics, realize its probably in the thousands just how high. Trying to settle a small dispute and would sure love some help.
We have been experiencing the same thing lately! Only thing that seemed to help was playing the fish much more aggressively than normal and giving a much stiffer hook set.