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Everything posted by Dan1

  1. Trolling in January lol nice. Awesome job on the tank brown as well as the catch and release.
  2. Sounds like the red barn area was hot. I had pretty much the same luck as jpiatkowski on Saturday. Dropped a BIG steelhead in 175 FOW out front, several short strikes and only boated one teenage king with a lamprey attached to it. Seems like olcott is very hit or miss this year.
  3. Yeah everything inside 120 was a lot of trash and current, had to clear lines regularly. Maybe I'll head out east if I go this weekend. Gotta try to avoid the crowds too.
  4. Also, were you trolling at 1.5 mph or 2.3?
  5. Sounds like a pretty good day, nice report. I like that spin doc and fly setup. Was this report from the weekend or today?
  6. Headed west and dropped rigs in around 200 FOW. That area was decent a few days ago, but things changed up a bit. Water seemed kinda dead so we headed north for a while. Boated a smaller steelie in 260 FOW. 50 down on the rigger pulling a seasick waddler. Next fish, another steelie, was in 300 FOW. 40 down on the rigger pulling a spoon I made. A little while later, the diver went off and we boated a small king. Pro troll FF setup. Everything cooled off after 10:30 so we headed south in search mode. Picked up a decent steelie on a 10 color in 175 FOW. We checked out the inside water and marked a ton of bait and hooks. I figured they were browns but not totally sure. I was hoping the lake would be fairly set up by now and I wished we could have gotten into some big kings, but a four fish day isn't too bad. It seems to me that things are still a bit scattered and the water needs a little time to improve. Let me know what your thoughts are on how the lake is setting up, quality of fishing, etc. Feel free to post any comments or additional reports. Tight lines!
  7. This basically sums it all up in my opinion. Well said, Mark.
  8. As if the addiction to fishing wasn't enough. Now I'll be addicted to tying the rigs that catch said fish lol. Thanks for the info guys, eventually I'll post some pics of the fish I catch (with any luck) on some hand tied flies. Tight lines!
  9. I've been thinking about tying my own flies to run behind SDs or ProTrolls. Just wondering what your thoughts were for the guys who tie their own. Also was wondering what kind of hardware or terminal tackle you'd use. Not totally sure where to start. I'm guessing it wouldn't save a ton of money but I think it'd be something fun to try.
  10. I'd go with the president. In my experience it has been very durable and has a smooth drag, very affordable as well.
  11. Tom Brady is eager to put his hands on some balls no matter what size/shape they are.
  12. I'm out right now, got out a little late probably 9 or so. Boated one small king on a spoon of the rigger, a diver with an SD took a shot but no one home. 50-120 FOW
  13. I'm honestly shocked that more people didn't say 42 second.
  14. I bought the torpedoes and they had almost zero blow back. However I had to switch back to the sharks because my downrigger motors couldn't handle the weight. I think I might upgrade the motors.
  15. I also was hitting sub 40 degree water when I was out. Seems like it's still scattered out there. The odd weather has thrown things off in my opinion, but I have no doubts that the big kings are there as shorelunch mentioned. It'll just take time to find them. Hopefully I'll be out this weekend, I'll post a report if I can. Tight lines!
  16. Dropped one on the lead in 160. Just dropped another in 400. Spoon bite 80 down.
  17. Currently out of olcott and seems a little different than a few days ago. Just wondering if anyone's out.
  18. I'm no expert but I'd run flys at the ball and cheated spoons
  19. I was out this morning, four kings around 12-15 and a small steely. Mix of spoons/FF. 330-450 FOW
  20. Yup that sounds like my luck lol. At least you're getting into some big ones! Tight lines man!
  21. I'm headed out tomorrow for a midday fish I'll try and report. Hoping to get into some mature kings shallow but we'll see how it goes.
  22. Jared015- what kind of CNC do you have?
  23. Biggtymer33 - did that guy mess up some mounts or something? Just curious in case I finally get one mounted one of these days.
  24. Yeah I just picked up some 30 lb power pro and I have some 30 lb mono layin around so I'll give it a shot hopefully this week. I appreciate the advice.
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