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  1. Sold
  2. Pickerelkiller

    Sold / Closed 25' Rinker. Sold!!'

    25' Rinker For Sale is a 1989 25' Rinker Fiesta Vee with a mercruiser 5.7 litre V8. Boat has a large sleeping quarters in the bow with also a aft cabin under the helm and seating area LOA is 28' Also comes with -2011 Honda 9.9 Hp kicker motor electric start long shaft high thrust prop hydraulic tilt. -Garmin Autpilot TDR-1 Gold system -Custom Aluminum Great Lakes planer mast Charter Captain edition -Scotty downriggers -Humminbird 998 HDSI -Fishawk XD4 -8 rod holders plus rocket launcher -raw water wash down system installed -new bellows installed 2016 -all new upholstery installed 2016 - EZ Tow trailer with roller Bunks and surge breaks -8.5' beam and Many other options not mentioned Meticulously maintained! Boat is located in Peterborough Ont. Canada call 1-705-927-4005 or email tylertaylor980@gmail.com to view or for more info and pics $10,500 US
  3. I would say give it another 3 weeks and you should start seeing some. It all depends on the weather. I have caught a couple fish that are starting to go black, so it will be soon. Good luck!
  4. Put 4 kings and an atlantic in the boat this mornjng. All before 830 then it shut right off. Go to the blue zone after the mornjng bite is over! Temps were 46 degrees down 90' in 150fow this mornjng
  5. Did well today fishin 150-180 fow off the stack. Boated 4 kings and lost 6! I was with my dog and he is not a very good net man!!! Lol. I had everything down deep fishin 90-110 down. Flasher fly and flasher meat was workin well. Dipsys were out 300 on a 2 setting. Good luck out there have a good weekend!
  6. HBC that's funny!! I can't stand some of the dummies on there!!
  7. Finally a break in the weather!!! Who's all goin out this weekend??? I'm going to live on the water this Thursday fri sat sun weather permitting!!! Should be some fish around by now! Can't wait!!
  8. I can't upload any pictures useing my app. Any secrets for doing this? It says to contact staff???
  9. Well we found a few fish this weekend! A couple bows on Friday and a mid-teen King and another bow yesterday (Sunday). Most fish and bait were inside 100fow. Water temps were around 54-50. All fish were taken in the upper 40' of the water column. We're starting to get a few fish around!!!
  10. As loose as u can. You wanna be able to make a turn and have your outside dipsy just creep line out. Or if you want your drag set looser, wrap a release around your rod holder and put the release into your line just ahead of the reel. That way when a fish hits your dipsy, the release will fall off and your drag is loose
  11. I'm with Tim absolutely no need for snubbers. And I run 25lb floro between dipsy and flasher.
  12. Total Chaos, You prolly broke the line because you gave it a rip! The hook is already set. Just sayin
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