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  • Location
    Spring Brook Pa.
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  1. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgreatlakesspecialevents.regfox.com%2F2024-trout-and-salmon-trolling-school%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3v-xDL2EnkZ2He5OJ748d8fpK310IvEUBf2XlQgrWGxzHLC0UnYDhz2k8&h=AT3JMF6E5JegVsvvTNlJaoxa5I1rOXsfgdtz8YAwcIJK2jtJiD3PpqR9ME7DAZNEepERyiuuYfhojMzhiOcnRD3E9vtD0X_cW_e6t_zHy1QmxfFKa7Taw_93LKtgak1OYQ&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT1saqdHhKMlcnxCl_bCQAV0ndJaOC_abCN9QVmchKnmtKDatIkPz0JQthSpZiRl0qUaR902hV0OgB6SiFuslO3-U0bowlhhzDu0SjxcZhFUcjEJK9X7cIYze2q76tfO9te8QEDjHFpu-JfoPtalfkN056G__wxecRWUI7M2_LBPgXYPg35igdRnWIPLqj_yUzgGHqOmzPyE1ya6vA
  2. Crazy fishing this past weekend. Trolled from launch to south dunes 120 to 145'. Flasher flies.
  3. What's everyone running for treble hooks on meat rigs?
  4. Hareline Glass Worm Rattles - Tackle Warehouse
  5. Where is the best place to buy RHYS DAVIS & King heads and die cuts?
  6. Why don't people mind their own business? If it shouldn't be on here the moderators handle it!
  7. I would think Mike's marina has slips.
  8. What lb line are you running from diver to spoon for kings? Snubber yes or no?
  9. What size rubber bands for are you using for 500 copper? I have Amish outfitters releases but they seem to crack and drive me crazy.
  10. Is this still available?
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