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Jeremy Goodison

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Everything posted by Jeremy Goodison

  1. I didn’t run any Freedom last night. With having Mark in the boat and exploring I didn’t want to take the chance of not moving rods for him. I basically ran all my goto stuff and it never slowed down (so we didn’t mix it up). I do have a big order of Freedom lures coming. The next time I’m out solo I’ll run them to death a multitude of different ways. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. And we managed Marks new person best 22 1/2lbs[emoji869] Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. T Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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  12. Tonight I took a LOU member out to show him how I run my setup . Sometimes showing a person is more helpful than telling them. I had great intel for the inside bite but with the temps people were reporting I couldn’t resist exploring the offshore bite. I left it up to Mark (force of one) and he was fine with going with my gut feeling. So we headed out just west of braddocks in 400 fow on a North East troll. Within 20 min the rigger takes off with a nice mature king. For the next couple hrs we crushed matures kings on all our setups in 400-480fow. Riggers 45-75 , dipsy 200-220, ten color and 300 copper all took multiple fish. As we got down towards the Genny we decided to troll west through our waypoints before we got to far from home . We picked up more majors on the way but definitely the west/east troll was kinder. With my exploration itch behind me we packed up the gear and motored all way to Devils Nose to set up for the last 2 hrs of trolling in tight. We set up in 180 and immediately majors started nipping. We took more nice kings from 180-70fow. All the same setups worked....... Tomight was another great day in the water and Mark was a pleasure to fish with. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. Bright sun I run a lot of natural alewives spoons, watermelon, lemon ice, Lot Lizard meat rigs, stud fly’s, and everything yellow...... throw a big mix out and see if one [emoji91] Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. Where you out of, I launch out of braddocks primarily? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. Anyone doing the Orleans County Derby?? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. That’s why I run Dreamweaver, nice throat on them yo give the lure some wiggle room Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. [emoji115] Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. Had a friend out today out of Braddocks and he grabbed some nice kings same area. 100-120 was his best depth. The inside water keeps getting reallllllly warm. Saturday I’m hoping to go way offshore if weather lets me. I’ll keep every one posted if it’s good out there. I’ll be on channel 72 if your in range[emoji6]. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. What Garrett said[emoji115]. I also off riggers I run them tight to the ball 5-15ft. I also prefer my meat rigs running really cold (48-40degree water). Mix it up with small and large paddles. Not every days a good meat bite but my bigger fish every season come on meat running cold Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. Thank you, Yes I run wire. Being I fish with my daughter mostly I run 6’ leads on meat, 8 leads on FF, and 12’ leads on spoons. If I’m tournament fishing with some knowledgeable guys you can about double those lengths. My normal spread when with my daughter is 2 riggers (cheated ), 2 wire dipsy, and 2 long lines on planer mast. If it’s insanely slow I add a shoot rod . Usually ten color and short coppers in the morning in warmer water, and longer coppers as the bite slows down. I always start with spoons (cheated ) on riggers and FF off everything else until I see what they want. Usually I throw meat in the mix when I make my first lure change. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. Loaded question [emoji6]. When I first started I chased temperature hard. I focused on “optimal” king temp 42-50degree water. As guys helped me over the yrs I realized a King will eat in any temp. At first light/sun down (any active feeding time) fish the marks your seeing, don’t stress temp. If your seeing hooks on bait then that’s your target depth. Keep changing presentations until you get them to bite. If you’ve exhausted options with no luck try sliding just outside the Bait. A lot of times getting kings to bite that are on bait is frustrating. So I targeted that warm water simply because they were there and feeding. Now if you go out and screens are blank then I park a rigger in 50degrees and work above and below until something works. Tons of trial and error and you’ll get confident in your choices. I’v been blessed over the yrs to have top notch fisherman keep me dialed in (to be fair they like to see my kids on fish [emoji23]). Paul Czarnecki has chimed in over the yrs **** slapping my style of chasing cold water kings. As I finally took the advice my catch skyrocketed. Listen to to the experts advise and create your own style, very rewarding Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  22. The guys that know me know I love to compete ...... however until my kids turn me down they are my “team”. I have 5 kids (3 with wife and 2 working towards adoption). I cherish every chance I get to hunt, fish, and hike with my kids. Time sure does fly. Thanks for the compliments, Kamaniie loves reading everyone encouraging words. We’ll be out their off Braddocks Saturday again. I’ll be in tight on bait till it shuts off then back to 550fow looking for steelhead. If I can every help give a shout Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. Took fish on both Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  24. This was clean with about 20-40 lead depending on depth Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  25. Awesome[emoji869][emoji476][emoji173]️ Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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