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June 10, 2013
Last visited
March 6
Everything posted by Guidewayneo
I have a 1986 sport craft 230 with a 4.3L V6 with only 200 hours. This boat is very clean. It comes with 2 older Cannon Mag 10's, a Bimini top and removable carpet. I traded the boat I didn't have time to use for this one and guess what I don't have time to use this one either. This would make a great Lake Ontario fishing boat. Call Wayne @ 315-529-3886.
I have a 1986 Sport Craft 230 with 2 older cannon mag 10's on it. I was thinking about selling. Price would be $3500. It has a 4.3L v6.
I live in Mexico and would like to come look at them. I will call you tomorrow.
Where are you located
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
How much for the 4 magdas
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I have a friend looking for a house in the area. I just shared it on his face book page.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Interested please post pics and price.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
$5 for spoons
$15 for the dodgers
want these gone this week
Convector is sold
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Convector sold pending payment.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Okuma Convector with copper on it very good condition. I believe it has around 200 feet of copper on it. I measured it out once but forgot. I bought this reel on ebay and then never used it. Selling for less than I paid for it $65 or BO.
8 Dodgers all like new. May even be new. $25 or BO
Misc. Spoons $10 or BO
Located in Mexico all items can be shipped for $5. Paypal or cash accepted.
Where are you located
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Tip ups and floats are sold
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
New lower prices. This stuff needs to go
Started going through the garage doing some spring or late winter cleaning.
For Sale
A Bass Pro Shops Mouse and Toad Kit. 6 baits with very little if any use. $8 shipped in the US. $11 to Canada
24 assorted Sheffield Floats some new in the package. $20 shipped in the US $24 to Canada
7 Assorted Tip ups one of the round ones needs a new flag. $25 shipped in the US $30 to Canada
All items can also be picked up in Mexico, NY for $5 less.
I would concentrate from the Salmon River up to Sandy Pond. That is the area I have heard of them doing good. I plan on trying it this year as I live in Mexico.
Sent from my LG-VS700 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I do still have the boat. It is in storage for the winter.
Sent from my LG-VS700 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I agree on the watermelon. Make sure you get seedless ones too.
Sent from my LG-VS700 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I haven't fished it but I was told its a short walk out of Jewel.<br />
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Sent from my LG-VS700 using Lake Ontario United mobile app<br />
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Welcome. This site is great and you can get almost any question answered. When you do add dipsy rods to your set up make sure to use a solid rod holder. Nothing plastic as a salmon hit will take the whole set up right off the side of your boat.<br />
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Sent from my LG-VS700 using Lake Ontario United mobile app<br />
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I know they get browns casting in the Oswgo harbor with white bucktail jigs.<br />
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Sent from my LG-VS700 using Lake Ontario United mobile app<br />
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I thank them too. Its good to hear there are still honest people out there.<br />
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Sent from my LG-VS700 using Lake Ontario United mobile app<br />
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I like the head strap its like wearing a head lamp and works good for hunting and fishing.<br />
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Sent from my LG-VS700 using Lake Ontario United mobile app<br />
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