That 60k is just wages not benefits. Also NYS does not take state taxes from state retirement. I'm also curious if that 60 includes all police (town/village cops) or just state troopers? I don't think the difference in 20 and out vs 25 and out is causing a recruiting issue. They have issues with recruiting troopers and have had to lower standards. Maybe the state needs to do a better job of showing these jobs in a higher light and people would want to be an eco or a trooper.
I've used snap weights many times up to 10oz. Only lost one lead do to my error. I think they are a great option if fishing solo. It allows you to take the weight off and still reel the fish in close to the boat to be able to net it. I think it's a cheaper alternative to lead core or copper.
Maybe they should go ruffle some feathers on the DSR area!!!! This would move this issue right up the chain pretty quickly lol. I love how some people claim that this was their way of life and do it ceremoniously, well even Europeans hunted and fished to feed their families. I have no issues them exercising their rights but come on spearing and netting Pacific salmon in NYS. These fish didn't even exist here until the 1960's some 200YEARS after these treaties.
Yes and you can look no further than this past fall with the new youth hunt when Erie county legislator's pass the measure only to be vetoed by the county executive.
I don't often post pictures but this was definitely one of the most memorable opening days for me. My dad was able to take one of his biggest bucks next to my uncle's tree stand, who passed away earlier this fall. And my daughter was able to shoot her first deer.
Looks like quite a bit of fine print. And if I read the Dec website correct. There is no prevision the 12-13 year olds to hunt during the youth hunt weekend. Any one else read the fine print and agree with this before I call and complain lol
With low snow pack through the season and combined with them letting out so much water through the gates for the last year because the water was so high previous years.
The Amish are starting to put a dent in bush hill and farmersville state forest. I was born and raised there and have seen decline there in recent years too.
Yes 10-20 an acre is normal. I agree that 3% yearly is crap especially if tax rates don't go up 3%. And some lease companies put a limit on how many guys can be on lease. We had to drop a lease this year because it just got too expensive because of the hunter cap limit and the raised cost.
As a landowner in afford mentioned county and lived here my entire life. (Not the owner of this property lol) I can probably say the guy was just trying to figure on people trespassing and this way if any of the people were people he had talked to he has a leg to stand on when talking to the ECO or law enforcement. Last year I had a terrible time with trespassing and even had group trying to do a deer drive. Just thought they wouldn't get caught. I actually called the DEC and they said even with posted signs local judges don't do much with it but if they were spoken to before and still came on your property it was more prosecutable.
Cuomo added boat launches to this. Not sure if it really changes anything or not if there is no one there anyway
I sure hope the charter captains get a life line out of this stimulus bill. Can't see how a charter boat would be considered essential business. Although Cuomo is allowing golf courses to open. We had a vacation in May scheduled for Tennessee. The hotel called us and said that they were closing we will have to reschedule our vacation. We were already thinking about cancelling any ways. Hope people just use common sense........I know that's asking a lot now a days.
My brother found this deer yesterday and we figure it was from Sunday when there was a big deer drive on adjoining property and plenty of shooting. Makes you a little sick.