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June 26, 2013
Last visited
March 18, 2022
Everything posted by Custom Deluxe
stefan blasingame has a gorgous one for sale. twin v6's i believe 10 6 beam and no doghouse 315-405-2405
Sold Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Pending sale Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
how much with trolling motor and where r u located
Tt Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Boat is in sodus for winterization. Will leave unwrapped Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
lost buyer who turned out to not have the money. back for sale
Tt Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
TT “September price flexibility” in effect. Don’t want to store two boats Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
in water until 9/26 then to krenzers
Pm sent Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
More pics and videos of motor running available, won’t let me upload off my phone, but txr 3155696360 and I can send Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Also offering a layaway option. Half down and balance by May for the right buyer Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
18000 keeping autopilot headunit and computer. will leave pump
New boat purchased, new price 19000 best offer no riggers or rod holders Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Thnx earl. Will be in water in oswego through Friday and then to sodus for winterization Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
21500 or bo Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Tt Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Tt Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
will be in the water in oswego until mid next week for a water trial for someone whose coming in from buffalo. after next week its off to sodus for winterizarion and wrapping
Some more pics available pm or txt 315-569-6360 Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
15k or best offer for fall only. goes back up in spring.Includes raymarine evo200 autopilot and a12 MFD
Selling my 24.. Love the boat but goin bigger. Put a pile of work into this one.
1989 Albemarle 24
You cannot buy a better 24 footer for big water fishing. the boats an animal for its size, significalty heavier hull and handlayed fiberglass than you will find in most of whats out there. do some research youlll see what i mean. These boats were built for running the inlets off the Carolinas to fish the gulf stream 50-100 miles off shore all day and then be trailer able by a 1500 pickup on the way home.. otherwise call me up and well go run 20 mph though 3-5's and youl get the idea
Work done in the last year-
-5.7 motor with 3-400 hours. new Edelbrock carb and electronic ignition. Strong runner Gas tank had been scoped 2 years ago and is solid,
-completely rebuilt with receipts DP290 drive with 2 sets of new props b4 and b5's
-hydraullic steering conversion
-brand new eisenglass and canvas
-new doghouse
-new rubrail, gel coat, and bottom paint... shes a looker.
-Raymarine Axiom 9 with realvision sonar with navionics card for gps
-all new bearings on trailer
-new insterstate batteries
-6 rod rocket launcher
-fishhawk x4
- has electric windlass and outriggers not pictured
Ill be keeping the downriggers, rod holders, as well as the rayamrine A12 on the dash unless someone REALLLy wants to deal for them, . There are 6 in gunnel rod holders and hardtop mounted outriggers not in these pics, but will be in the next group. likely leaving the swivel bases for the cannons and 36' cisco tracks on the boat. Going up to boat to take more pics over the long weekend. Will be in the water in OSwego, ny for 2 more weeks, and then on trailer for a full detail, and winterization.
Have receipts for all work
Asking 18k or best offer
If your looking for a big water boat you can put on the trailer easily this is the one you want.