So I just started using dipsy divers and suffered a couple of break offs. I'm fishing on Champlain, so the fish aren't as big, do I need them and how do you rig them? Thanks
I just boght a spool of 30# copper and was hopping someone could tell me what reel could hold 600' plus a braid backer that won't break the bank. Spending limit of $200. Go.
I just got a roll of copper yesterday, and want to get it ready for the weekend. Its 30# and I think its 200 yards. How do do I attach backing and leaders, I heard just twisting it to the swivel, or crimping. I'm not going after kings on Ontario, I'll be using it on Champlain.
Well, to add my two cents. Lake George has all been shut down now requireing a prior boat inspection tag to launch your boat on the lake. There are 6 inspections on the entire 32 mile lake and the hours are not inclined for fishermen. As well there is only one state launch open at the oppisite end from my home otherwise you have to pay $50. So basically for me the lake has been lost to the rich who can afford to pay 50. Plus the danm tag that you need to get the night befre if you want to be out at daylight, if you can find a spot to put in that early.
I lost my fish hawk probe that I boght this spring when I got hung up trolling fast up in maine with a novice troller. Not thinking when we hung up I took one rigger and he took the one with the probe. He tried to crank it up, yes manual riggers, there it went. So pissed. I recoverd my ball by letting cable out and putting the boat in reverse. Why the break away cable didn't go I'll never know. I ended that trip early. Came back to. Ny and fished twice on champlaian with out it and was not getting nearly the fish as with it. After only having it for a couple of months it has become one of themost important parts of my rig. Just can' t afford a new one right now. It was a $400 loss that day if you add up the ball, release, terminator, and probe.
Thanks for the advice, It sounds like I might better wait it out from what I have read on here and keep fishing Champlain where I ave been doing quite well.
I was thinking of maybe coming out to the Lake this weekend an trying to get into some kings if the wave reports look suitable for my 16' spectrum. I am coming from the east about 3-4 hours drive and would like to know where would the best spot to put the boat in the water for free at a DEC launch if possible and get on them. Will I be able to find any kings on the east end of the lake so I don't have to drive west as far, but I will if I have to. Any advice will be helpful. Thanks.