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July 11, 2013
Last visited
September 17, 2013
It probably is my buddy told me it was an Atlantic. Ive never caught an Atlantic so I can't tell
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Here is an Atlantic caught 2 days ago
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
There are quite a few good holes on the salmon river. Ill be starting at altamar and working my way down towards Pulaski saturday. In pulaski you have the clam shack hole(ball park), black hole, the eye of the needle. If you want pm me ill shoot ya my cell number.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
So about mid august the kings are shallow and j plugs would be the weapon of choice?
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Thanks for the great information guys sadly I wont be able to get out much. My truck is getting rather sad and have to up grade her
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I got them of a retired charter captain who was selling off his gear. No one wanted them so he told me 20 and they were mine. Now my second question. Where is a good place to go for Salmon and browns. Im usually launching out of sackets harbor or dexter. I left from sackets weekend before last and got hammered by 5 to 10 foot waves and have been gun shy about going out again
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I have 66 j plugs and have never used them. I paid 20 dollars for them. How do i run them on down riggers?
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I cant wait for next weekend when I get back up that way so I can start landing some nice fish!
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Fat Nancys is an awesome tackle shop. Its like toys r us for adults!
Got some more tackle today
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
lol that stuff is just random crap i had in my truck. the wheel was my anchor for my 14 foot jon boat
Caught this guy in sackets harbor
Hey yall names dale. I came across this site looking for tips on how to troll lake ontario for some trophy fish. Im 26 have a 1971 imp aztec boat her name is survivor (long story) ive lived in ny all my life but never came up north until i got stationed here at fort drum. Im fimilar with shore fishing and have a basic grasp on trolling for salmon browns lakers and steel, I have 2 cannon uni troll 6 downriggers 4 diawa rods and reels for trolling and a hand full of spoons and j plugs. any tips, suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreicated. The pic is the gear i picked up last night for trolling. Ill have some pics of my boat up later on this week and a pic of me and a spring steelhead i caught and released