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TileMan Dan

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Everything posted by TileMan Dan

  1. 9 in front. 11 in back. Mine run great and pull hard not much lag behind either. Also running the additional half keels, and am able to run multiple leads with copper of one board.
  2. That's the reason I don't have a GSP anymore. Good looking pup though.
  3. Your making good progress with him for five months.He'll only get better with experience..
  4. Sounds like you now need to buy a bigger boat.
  5. Loran is shut down.
  6. I wired mine like firechief mentioned. 6 gauge wire to 6 fuse block mounted on transom. 10 gauge wire to each rigger. I used the cannon ports mounted on the gunwales and riggers on pedestal swivels. I had issues with the low profile swivel bases that came with the riggers.
  7. Not looking for any new projects there Kurt. Good one for you though, i'll act as consultant if you want.
  8. Mono first, 2 color, then 3 color on inside
  9. Would be a nice boat to put a hardtop on with full curtains all around. Good deal thought from looks of pics.
  10. Phisher, they are pricey without a doubt. When I go fishing I want my equipment to perform flawlessly and not be aggravated by any hiccups or malfunctions. Been running those reels for 3 years and no problems what so ever. I have them mounted on front corners of my hardtop and if line were to pop of pulley it would be a real issue to correct on water especially fishing when its rough water. Thats what influenced my decision on there purchase. Its takes a lot of thought when rigging your boat to meet your needs and it gets pricey real fast, but so are do overs. Usually best to spend a little more the first time. Just my thoughts and good luck with your decision
  11. Black evil first thing in morning always seems to take a hit.
  12. Don't have to do anything with boat as long as it is properly and currently registered in your home state. Just abide by NY Boating laws. Catching fish is another story, but u came to right site for info.
  13. Great lakes planers sells pulleys. Don't have to worry about planer line getting between block and tackle. I run 250 pp on mine.
  14. I would bet you have a circuit breaker hiding somewhere. Im sure you'll find it
  15. Yeah, I'm done with it big time already. This is about the third time I told myself this should be the last for the year.
  16. You may have a circuit breaker up in you helm hiding somewhere also. Just be patient and carefully follow your power lines.
  17. Winter still stinging! Glad I didn't blow the pink juice out just yet.
  18. Are these suitable for younger kids. Like around 9 yo?
  19. Thanks funny. I had same reaction when I first saw TTT.
  20. There should be a circuit breaker on line not to far from battery that you probably tripped. Just start following lines and you should find it. They are not very big either.
  21. look in tackle and techniques. There was a thread about this not to long ago.
  22. I run a subtroll on my boat also. Have no problems with it but I have an i/o. I would think that if there was a problem , you could run a ground to your downrigger also somehow to achieve same result. I wil give your situation some more thought.
  23. Why not just run a ground wire from negative on battery to some point on the boat transom area. Above water line of course.
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