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TileMan Dan

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Everything posted by TileMan Dan

  1. Gambler, interesting that you memtioned smallmouth bass. Spring brown trout fishing all we caught were very nice size smallies 4-5 lbers. All the same age class. Nothing smaller. Where are those young in the system. Just saying and wondering if others notice the same ?
  2. Reelintense , I love your attitude and passion. Well said !!!!
  3. I am up for that King Davy. Hell with the singing though!!
  4. Gator, you are absolutely correct..This is a spirited and lively debate. Every ones opinions need to be respected. No reason anyone should result to name calling. My opinion on this lake issue is that it is more complex than just an abundance of adult alewives.
  5. Gill, nice that you added to your post about your educational background with a degree in biology. As such I am sure you can realize the overall dynamics of the lake and that they need to be studied more closely. I would like to see more salmon myself but I dont think increasing stocking numbers is the answer right now until it is determined why return numbers have been off the last few years. As for you informing me , I also have a degree in Biology as well as post graduate courses in Bio. Yeah, I can sit down and read reported research studies and understand them.
  6. Exactly right Rich. Everyone needs to become united on this issue, studies need to be done and true data collected, andthen a "game" plan put together.
  7. There is already a forum like that that offers what your looking for its called Salmontime.com. Check it out for yourself. It sucks.
  8. My point is that there is a lot more in the dynamics of the lake that need to be considered than just the abundance of alewive. If that was just the issue why have salmon returns been less than stellar. It cant be because there is not enough of feed.
  9. My point is that there is a lot more in the dynamics of the lake that need to be considered than just the abundance of alewive. If that was just the issue why have salmon returns been less than stellar. It cant be because there is not enough of feed.
  10. Gill add a buck to your credetials and you can get a cup of coffee. Gambler where have you been living the last two winters that theyve been so warm?
  11. Gill T, what do you base your opinion on that more kings are needed to solve the lakes issues. Are you a fisheries biologist? Did your carry out any stock assessments and the lakes overall carrying capacities taking into effects of the invasives on the overall ecology of the lake. Did you do a study on the effects of "climate change" on the lake and its biomass?
  12. I agree with that. I partake in both fisheries. Can't stand the s### show that happens when salmon run. As I stated previously we are all the prob. And the solution. In fighting needs to end.
  13. They should close all tribs during salmon season and let the fish do what they need to do. Thats how hunting seasons are regulated.
  14. See this is exactly the B.S. I was talking about. Every one thinks their s### smells like roses but have yet to make a dime selling it!!!!
  15. I've been a member of this forum for a little over 2 years and the one thing I cant understand is the animosity between trib guys vs lake guys. Everyone who fishes this great system is part of the problem and also part of the solution. There is no one singular problem creating the fishery issues we are seeing right now. One cannot say they did things better 30 yrs ago vs today. The lake conditions 30 years ago don't exist today. Water is so much cleaner. We have more invasives than prior, record cold winters, and crazy wheather patterns. I don't think the lake had a true thermocline setup the last 2 years. I know when I fished temps were all over the place from one minute to the next. Lot of studies need to take place and a lot of patience in the meanwhile. Knee jerk resctions will not solve the problems.
  16. 5% return on 300,000 stocked is 15,000 fish. That would be very optimistic. Thats not a whole lot of fishh when you think about it.
  17. DEC in my opinion are concerned little about the economics behind the entire fishery. Mainly because that is not what they are charged to do. If economics played a major factor in this equation they would stock all they can realistically produce. As we all know. That is not the case
  18. Interesting observation. Can't wait to see the conclusions from this if it is actually what is happening.
  19. Trophy, I wonder why that is. I cant think of any adverse reason of catching gobies and then using them for bait on the same body of water. Transporting them is a whole different matter. Especially since they're an invasive species. If it makes sense to someone else please respond, I don't see the reasoning.
  20. Yeah when was the last time any thread on this forum didnt stray from topic at hand. We wonder why the younger generations minds are all over the place.
  21. I would keep them and put them to work.
  22. eppinger manufacturing is the company. Didn't see the bent type of spoon , maybe a discontinued model.
  23. red eye spoons probably . check their web site
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