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TileMan Dan

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Everything posted by TileMan Dan

  1. What is the criterion to be deemed a legitimate post on LOU? I'm fairly new member here. Patriot, what is your beef?
  2. 12" Dexter with carbon blade not stainless. Holds a better edge.
  3. When on water every other boat should be willing to help another in need
  4. I normally fish 4 riggers and 2 dipseys with a copper down the chute. I leave everything in but move rods to outside holders. Speed up the boat a little when fish is on helps bring them right up the chute for easy netting.
  5. Don't know what your needs are. I like to use ColdWater Tackle.
  6. Thanks for the update. Still gonna try to get out tomorrow afternoon. Gotta get out there before they all head upriver.
  7. Headin up Sat. Any idea wind forecast for tommorrow ?
  8. Relatively new to this site. What does " ttt" mean?
  9. If you have any luck let me know Im trying to find one for my 24' grady
  10. Hello people: New to this site. Just started back fishing Ontario after a 20 yr hiatus. Looking forward to the opportunities Ontario has to offer. Will be fishing out of the eastern side of the lake.
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