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king of kings

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Everything posted by king of kings

  1. we have a rule of thumb on my boat of if its bleeding out the chance is they are done if there not bleeding badly I've noticed they catch rather quickly but if you have a big enough boat you can put a live relase well I've seen it in bc it's similar to the live well system but you keep the fish in there till it starts to kick then torpedo it , some guys just put the fishes head faceing the current till they start to kick then torpedo it
  2. no problem and it's simply u watch someone do it once you know how but I sugest you go on YouTube and look at how to do it
  3. go 2.5 for your speed ,riggers keep one with a meat rig , might want to put a little more time out on the water and yes go deeper latter on
  4. in the morning I set my lines when I get to 80 and I fish 100 but the later you fish the deeper you should go so if you can stand the heat try fishing 200 300 down and riggers keep one high and one deep
  5. there's one in of a 59 in the gallery
  6. great Ontario salmon derby I think
  7. well time to to give up for the first place in the derby 40 pound king was pulled
  8. since ice out last year the walleye in scugog has gotten worst has anyone caught one there
  9. I've tried spray does not work the best way is to suck it up or wear pants
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