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Everything posted by Steve.e

  1. Ditto on Harvey. He just got some good lead!!!
  2. Last time I talked to Mike( Tom's help) he said 10 bucks. About 3 weeks ago.
  3. I think there's a launch over on empire that is open.
  4. Harv, I have a place on Keuka Lake, we did a trade a few years ago, I had some flat lead plates, came to your place. I will be down there 1st week of August. I have your number. I will call you and set up a time.
  5. Hey Harv, do you still need lead? I have around 80 to 90 lbs
  6. Troutman in Watkins Glen makes and sells them. Search torpedo weights for his number. They were around 35 bucks a couple years ago.
  7. Hope to eradicate Zebra mussels People , check this out. https://www.uwplatt.edu/news/students-find-novel-way-fight-zebra-mussel-invasion
  8. Any 1/2 in hardwood waterproofed also. A layer of thin rubber would be good as before mentioned for vibration.
  9. You will feel a definite click when it locks.
  10. Are you pushing lever up and either lifting or pushing down the chamberlin at the same time? Can't remember which direction off the top of my aging head. Just trying too lock the lever won't work.
  11. For a fixed slider on coated I put the snap for the slider on the fishing line and then attach a small wimpy rubber band to the coated cable, loop around cable and through itself, then loose end in snap. This will hold it in place on coated cable where ever you want it. Good size fish will bust the rubber band and pop release . Use Blacks or chamberlin for release just above ball. Works pretty good.
  12. troutman's phone number is 607-535-2390
  13. I have fished it before many moons ago. Loaded with largemouth bass, some over 5lbs, and small panfish. We caught one pike also. Altogether we landed over 25 bass. can't keep them I believe. A DEC cop pulled over and was watching us for awhile. This was over 30yrs ago.
  14. Sounds like you need to wack some of them yotes. Your cam must be on a travel corridor for them.
  15. I believe they dredged it . I saw a dredge out there awhile ago.
  16. Sat, in front of sandy (hamlin)temp was perfect in 80-90 ft on bottom. 45-47deg. Monday 80-130 was mid fifties on bottom. temps are back to summer set up. Deep. Funny thing though my friend was in front of the Genny yesterday and he had good temps in 70-90ft on the bottom. Big difference. Deep water is producing teenagers to low 20's and steelies .
  17. Sounds like somebody wanted to mark that structure. Shouldn't be there, can cause damage to lower unit .
  18. May just need trim tabs. I put them on my 19' islander, made a world of difference. I also have a kicker. Starcrafts are generally bow light.They also make lower unit fins that attach pretty easily and will plane you just fine.
  19. Google it. Depth chart for dipsy divers. Should find what you need. Also search open discussion topics here, I've seen it discussed before.
  20. Did anyone mention Hank at L&M? lol
  21. Too slow down for fighting, you can also have a bucket with a few 1" holes on 4-5 feet of rope and toss out on a center cleat too slow down by~1mph. if there is not a center rigger.
  22. If you are trolling around 2-3mph, you can manually let them down pretty quick. Flashers pull back enough to keep them from going verticl. With my electrics, I let them go until I reach desired depth. Even when stacking, I haven't had a problem yet.
  23. Also you wont need snubbers on a small lake. Nothing there is going to slam a dipsy like a king. Run about 10-15 ft of 30lb fluorocarbon between wire and dipsy for a little shock absorbing capability and protects wire if you break down the poles when not in use.
  24. Put your curser on the postee's picture and look for the send message icon
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