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  1. Any body doing anything....slow start here
  2. Where's Hugh's? How deep did you fish?
  3. Boated 2 Skippy's, went 0/5 on some bigger fish....did try my hand at alewife fishing! Boated about 20, got meat for tomorrow! Tomorrow, we are leaving port at 5am and heading out to 400' setting up and trolling north..how far down did you get those steels today?
  4. Boated 2 Skippy's, went 0/5 on some bigger fish....did try my hand at alewife fishing! Boated about 20, got meat for tomorrow! Tomorrow, we are leaving port at 5am and heading out to 400' setting up and trolling north..how far down did you get those steels today?
  5. Out here....not seeing a thing
  6. Yep, chanel 68...1 small king
  7. Driving up from Oio, and heading out of Olcott ~6am tomorrow, any reports? Advice? I'll have the radio on if anyone wants to work it out together???
  8. Heading up to Lake O from Ohio for the weekend, was thinking of trying some cut bait....but i have no clue where to buy it?? Anywhere I can order it and have it overnighted?? Thanks in advance
  9. Heading up to Olcott from Ohio tomorrow, haven't seen much on reports for Olcott/Wilson, so I thought I would stir the pot....anyone?? Plan on heading out to 150'-200' and running spoons/flasher-flies....appreciate any updates, words of advice??? Thanks
  10. Hey Richard, it was nice to meet you Saturday, we did wind up getting our Laker on Sunday, in 220' of water 20' down on a Carmel dolphin w/ a cowbell I had set up for steelies, who woulda thought?? It was a nice one, went 16lbs, got our limit by 10, all kings plus the laker, largest was 21lbs, took a nice 400' initial run...all in all GREAT weekend, glad to see you had the same luck!!
  11. Just went 3 for 6 in last 15 here in 165 fow, sea sick Waddler and green gator down 50'
  12. Got a nice school of bait in here at 95 fow
  13. What channel you on cmag12?
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