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copper king

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  1. 29 ft penn yan persuader call 570-903-7118
  2. Boat must go 7500 cash only it's a steel..
  3. No survey yes still available
  4. Labor day weekend last chance 9k cash it's gone hell of a boat come n see or send pics has to go
  5. From what I'm told not much to take fly bridge off. Redline had same boat he did it said didn't take much
  6. Krezners charged me 800 to bring down . I'd split cost w you
  7. 299 Penn yan twin 350 see add
  8. Must be still working on next fish no reply
  9. Must go 10 k again can here run call want gone this weekend
  10. Pics posted need more text or call 5709037118. Any reasonable offer boat must go
  11. Harford pa appox 15 min ny border on 81 south
  12. If people could read says pics wanted simply call or text apparently they can't read
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