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Everything posted by anytime

  1. Check out Ebay. Search the lure they sell almost everything on there.
  2. Some fine eating there. We caught some tuna fishing but nothing large enough to keep. That sure was.
  3. You can try Fish307.com also. Great for new blades and sharpening.
  4. Used Mank's once and only once. Wrapped the meat like it came from Top's. That's not processing that's destroying. Noff said.
  5. Don't overthink it. Wear gloves and trim it, pull the vines away from the tree and enjoy. As long as you don't rub it all over you you'll be good.
  6. I also have a 859HD and when I get into deeper water you need to change the setting to salt water to punch thru the water to the bottom. Normally over 100' but your's may be different. T that the next time your out. Works for me.
  7. Would help if we knew the price.
  8. I did the cruse trip thing and you will be disappointed. They have like thirty boats go out for the cruse trips and most of the "captains" don't know do da about boat control ect. and if your lucky you get a 1st mate to help. Ketchikan we had a guy trying to steer from the back, work poles, set lines. A real cluster f--k. Out of Juneau we motored for an hour of two, fished for a couple and motored back. We did catch fish but maybe 10 between 6 people on board. A lot of looking and not much catching. If you can hire at the docks you may be happier. Another thing is you only have so much time in the port. They pull in at 7AM and the ship may leave at 5 to get you to the next port. It is what it is.
  9. Glad you had them bring their own guns too. Hope they got so shots.
  10. When your signed in your name appears at the upper right hand corner. Left click on it and an update request appears. Click on it and have a go at it.
  11. Both Slay and Arrest can be used on clover to control grasses and broadleaf's but it pricey. Can be found at most seed places or Cabela's and it does work well.
  12. This isn't the best time of the year for bank fishing for perch or crappie. Timing is everything. Try the ponds, Cranberry, Long, in the spring. Crap are the best bet right now with dough balls or corn.
  13. Front page news in today's D&C.
  14. A grandson of a friend moved to Idaho recenty and has caught kings running up the Snake River from the Pacific. Like a 1000 miles! Amazing.
  15. You have to go to Erie if you want to experience big lake bass fishing that you have had in the past. Small boat harbor, go in front of the windmills and have all you want.
  16. Must of had quite a ride the lake was really ripping yesterday.
  17. Congrad's on getting your pic published. I would have shot it right after as they sure are tasty.
  18. Bob Ehrmentraut at 2844 Union St. N.Chili also does a fine job and excepts deer at all hrs.. Phone is 755-8746
  19. Go online and read the rules(DEC website). You'll find you may only use your muzzy tag to take a deer with either the muzzleloader or a crossbow during a muzzleloader season. Your bow may be used to take/tag deer during early bow season with a bow tag, during regular season with the general tag and during late season with the bow tag. Can't use a muzzy tag to tag a compound bow killed deer ever.
  20. An inline check valve would solve your problem.
  21. That's one hell of a sunfish. Or should I say "OMFG Jay, That's some weird s--t"
  22. Just clean it and give it a shot. For all practical purposes it's a "modern" firearm and they last forever. A couple trap loads and you'll know if it's OK.
  23. anytime


    If your old and fat like me you'll find the shelter's with sled are a little heavy and tough to pull when there is any amount of snow on the ice. I have one and never use it for that reason. The shelter's that set up and knock down weigh 20lbs. and are an easy pull in a jet sled and have a lot more room in them.
  24. Finally it came with about 12hrs. to spare.
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