OK...fished wire divers, riggers, spoons, flasher & fly, lead core...nuthin' biting. Oh well...was a nice morning out w/ my kids. Happy father's day everyone & good luck!
Nice browns! I always try and chase The King and have been skunked more than once this year. I take the same "go for broke" approach to golf and lose $$ there too lol. Hats off to you boating some great fish in tight. Gotta love it!
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Yes a Lyman. I figure those bsits all look newer to the fish than any of the stuff offered from China lol
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More Upper Niagara smallmouth today. A bit slower bite but still great! No real "moss" yet . Most went over 4 lbs - a couple over 5! Kept a few for dinner tonight. Here's what they bit on (I like to use the "classics") in 3 to 15 fow.
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$ well spent! The boat immediate my quit after rolling over a big wake at a slow trolling speed. I checked for spark (yes spark) and replaced old plugs. Cranks and cranks but won't fire. Sprayed a squirt of gas directly in a cylinder and installed new plug. Gas getting to carb. Flooded? Stuck float? The boat is a very old ('67) Sea-Ray with a 120 hp Mercruiser I/O
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Got a tow. Was approx. 5 miles off shore , engine trouble, could not start. With thunderstorms on the horizon and a low battery I chose to utilize my Boat U.S. towing benefit. I cannot emphasize enough how glad I was to have that coverage. Within 30 minutes the tow boat arrived from Rochester, averting a potentially dangerous situation. I wanted to drop the riggers on the way in but we were doing 7 knots.
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Lakers are most predictable...head out to ~ 80 fow, drop a white tube jig w/ 1 oz lead down to the bottom, jig a bit, reel up quick a few turns, pause, repeat. Keep doing this as you slide out to ~ 170 fow, and use braid line to feel the bite. It should produce. If you have electronics you may want to reel up quick if you see them chasing.
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Fished a few hours with my dad after some father / son engine repair this morning . Battled some rain, some wind & a bunch of huge small mouths! They liked Mepps Aglia #4 (chrome) a lot, plus Bomber 'A (chartreuse & white)
Went 1 for 3 in 150 fow, pulled lines and went offshore to 300 fow, more gradual temp drop all the way down to 160 fow could not find a significant temp break. Trolling in...hope to get lucky fish seem scattered
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I font know I'm no expert on the regulation specifics. If you have any concerns why not contact the local ECO.
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Yes tbulhead a 17 foot boat is legal. You could use a 17' boat with no motor or even a 10 HP motor - just no bigger on either length or HP. Its great!
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Ir I'm alone and land a musky I get it to the boat, net it, loosen the drag then hold the net against body/armpit and go in for the hooks with long nose pliers. You may get a hand behind the gill plate w/fish in the water to hold it still. ,Forget the photo and keep the experience a secret!
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What type of line would be best off the riggers behind an ice-breaker? Does anyone know where I can buy a de-commissioned ice breaker?
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The drag is very easy from state park...may even need creepers today absolutely no slush. I bet you'll do well either place
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I fished out of Branchport (state park) yesterday. 4" of solid clear ice. Jigged plastics, pimples and shiners through water column in 170 fow Slow day. You will be in 100+ fow 200 yards SW of the launch from the State Park. Good luck! Temps will be tolerable this weekend.
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I headed out solo at 3:40PM from I bay and motored out to 200 fow. Great temp break at 50' so parked the riggers (with free sliders too) at 50' and 60'. Also ran 10 color core down chute with chrome flasher fly combo. Switched out to wire diver w/ NK mag spoon. Had 4 rigger releases but nobody home. As sun was hoping down I trolled towards the bay to call it a night and then in 100 fow 50' rigger fires I go to grab it nobody home but the wire diver starts screaming!! I get the rod out of the holder and realize I'm in for a treat. It made 4 big runs almost maxing out drag on Penn 209 . Gradually circled the boat and fought approx 20 min. Finally got it to the boat and got the net under (not easy solo w/ 10' dipsey rod) and lo and behold a huge mature king! Maxed out my cheap spring scale at 28lbs. A slow evening that ended with a real wake-up so now I'm not selling my boat and will be out next year lol
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