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Everything posted by dvdegeorge

  1. Depends on what I'm running,FF or meat 2.5-2.7 FLT spoons 2.8-3.2
  2. Saw that boat all the way from Braddocks
  3. Starboard side firing on west and east troll, more to do with what I was running on that side of the boat
  4. My side was only side firing 1 st part of the morning of course my mate had a hard head when I tried to tell him to put FF down for first part of the morning,he did start moving rods on his side later in the day
  5. Fished west off Braddocks today. Good early bite fished 170-200 FOW fish came 70-90 down. FF and 10" spinny with meat worked best finished 8 for 9 with 3 kings,4 Lakers 1 steelhead Largest King was 19 lbs. things slowed down as sun got higher and water got flat.
  6. Sweet nice job glad to help! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. Of course NE wind last night and today
  8. Well nobody wanted to fish today so went solo. Set up in 120 FOW and sent the cowbells down caught 4 lakers in about 10 minutes. Gambler called me on the radio and said he was into some fish off shore so I pulled up and headed out to 200'. Had a good king crack me off and then boated a 5 lb king. Then a short while latter 41' rigger fires and I grab the rod and reel as fast as I can but before the slack is taken up a huge over 12lb steelhead missiles 10' out of the water right behind the boat,he was a chunck ! Picked up another 5lb king and a couple skippys then a release off the cheater on the 63' rigger. Reel up the slack and the drag starts to rip out. A nice mid teen king. It's very challenging,fighting a fish,steering the boat and netting a fish(auto pilot got delivered yesterday thank God!) Boated another Laker and small king and called it good. Best action was 170'-200' fow. NBK was the hot spoon and my Bobby Fuller one of a kind was what got cracked off. Gambler did very well also I'll let him fill in the details.
  9. Nice work Kevin! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. took my good friend and his 7 yr old daughter who is my goddaughter out for a couple hours in the morning. Fished 50-60 FOW water for Browns first thing and managed 1. Then moved out a bit deeper and scrapped bottom for Lakers and landed 7 with the largest being 15 lbs. Things were not fast and furious but good enough to make a 7 yr old happy
  11. Kevin it was the one we called Sparky
  12. I fed that fish for 3 weeks this May!
  13. I'm in the camp of using enough line and or backing not to worry about being spooled
  14. I'd wager we've had more east wind than they have had this year
  15. Helly Hanson Impertech it's the choice of fisherman and hunters in alaska http://www.cabelas.com/product/Clothing/Mens-Casual-Clothing/Mens-Rainwear/Mens-Work-Rainwear%7C/pc/104797080/c/104746680/sc/104522580/i/104094180/Helly-Hansen174-Mens-Impertech174-II-Deluxe-Jacket/1327158.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse.cmd%3FN%3D1100882
  16. Nice chatting with you guys. We fished the 1st hour or so in tight for Browns but had no luck as water was 61 degrees from top to bottom. We moved out and checked temperature as we went.Set up in 250 FOW did our fish between 300-400 FOW 30-50 down.Riggers,dipsys and 200 copper all took fish. Finished 9 for 12 with 2 small kings,2 Lakers and 5 steelhead.
  17. Nice job Matt! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. Some times I use scent other times not
  19. Can you catch fish without one? Yes ... Can you catch more fish with one?Hell yes! Down speed and temp are an important part of putting a good fish catching program together
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