Switched up 3 and 4 color cores to 12lb mono rods and added 2 oz dive bomb which will get ya right around 3 and 4 color depth
Some days the lead core is non stop but the last couple times out I couldn't buy a hit on my cores
Thanks Chris great footage again!
I don't know if everyone realizes the time and effort it takes to download and edit the GoPro footage great work on both accounts.
Exactly Chris as long as I'm not fishing in a tournament there is no reason not to help out a fellow angler,it's a big lake with plenty of fish for everyone to catch. Most are just looking for some guidance and a few tips.
As a side note I will say Friday we fished water that didn't have much color and most of those lures were working well taking kings
From Friday Morning out of clearer water
Had a great day fishing off Rochester this morning
We fished from 150-200 fow mainly top 40 foot
Steady steelheads with 3 kings(2 skippys)
Steelhead were all nice size in the 5-7 lb range with one nice 10lb fish landed and a few of that size lost
Dipsys, riggers and 2 oz dive bombs off boards all produced fish
Finger Lakes tackle spoons sold the show again today
We finished 10 for 16
Good luck and good fishing!
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