It's just been a great season and I have a couple really good honey holes that and lucky I guess
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2 buck already big 1/2 rack. 8 pt and then a nice 2 1/2 yr old 100" 8 pt
They are on the prowel
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Guys remember why we do this... It's supposed to be fun and enjoyable
It's not a job, relax and enjoy
If you are burned out take a break, you can't will it to happen
Good luck and have fun!
Matt after I got down this morning I took a walk around the back of property as I walked along a corn field that surrounds a small island of land I caught a 6 pt walk right out of the corn 50 yds from me and walk the edge between the corn and island. He never knew I was there
Right now bucks are wandering every where searching out a hot doe.
I beleive some doe are already in heat but you can catch a buck looking for the next keep at it