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Everything posted by longbow

  1. So you'll sell to the highest bidder? Why not just put them on ebay? .
  2. Yep filled it just about perfect.
  3. I used one of my old Okuma Magda Pro's size 30 that worked perfect. Used braid for backing about 200 yds of I think it was 40 lb.- 10 color-100yds of lead core made by Kastking, and 15lb kastking flouro carbon, used 50 ft for the leader. I used and albright knot for the connection between backing and leadcore, and a willits knot for flouro leader to leadcore. thanks
  4. Figured it out.
  5. What size reel should I use for leadcore. I have 100yds of 10 color lc, braid backing, and 20lb leader. thanks PS I have a choice of Penn 209's, 309's or Okuma Magd Pro 30's.
  6. I think it was 25lbs 10oz. At least that is what I thought the scale said when they weighed it. The Fish Bopper is a fish catching machine. Where there is one there is more for sure. Just a good sign for the lake.
  7. I use them, solid black and frankly never had a problem like everyone says with the line being cut on the edge of the diver. They release easy and are easy to reel in. They pull hard though much more so than the Luhr Jensen type plastic ones. I still use those on occasion too.
  8. I'm sold on Okuma brand of reels. I have several Convector's but the best imho are the Catalina 25's if you can find them. The high speed convectors are nice too. I use those on my diver rods. Matter of fact if anyone out there is reading this post and you have some 25's l.c.'s in excellent working condition I have a very nice custom Floyd Medlin stag handled fixed blade in damascus steel and maker made sheath I'd swap ya. It is unused. Floyd passe a year or two ago so this is kind of rare now. He had a fine reputation as a knife maker. thanks
  9. Capt. Ken puts on a great show and gives you your money's worth that is a fact. He is a wonderful and accommodating skipper.
  10. I use a palomar knot to attach to the swivel and a modified albright knot to attach to the wire and I've never lost anything off the end save for a fish or two. I can't really tie a decent knot using the wire to attach to anything. I watched a buddy tie a wire knot a haywire twist, he did it in seconds and it looked perfect when he finished. He didn't use any braid or such thing but did use snubbers.
  11. When I first started fishing the lake I would have to change my wire a couple of times a season it seemed. There was a Charter Capt(Larry Bassett-RIP). in our Marina/Campground that turned me on a to a method he used for wire. He would simply tie into the wire end with about 30-35' of braid. That way the wire wraps totally around the reel. There is no give to the braid so you can tie it directly to whatever type of swivel and then hook it on to your diver. Haven't chanted wire in 3 years and still have a full spool of it on the reels.
  12. I'll take the rods as long as you do PP. Let me know when you get a chance
  13. I still use a set on occasion on my PY Avenger. Best trolling bags made bar none and a killer deal on them. Just sayin. Good luck
  14. Oh yea if it doesn't work out let me know. thanks
  15. ok thanks man
  16. So the Catallina is gone too? thanks
  17. longbow

    for sale : usa 25 ft SPORT CRAFT

    Good luck bro. Keepem wet.
  18. Hey Mike, look at a good used PY and get a survey on it before buying. Love the Avenger we have, nice hard top, heavy boat for its size, wide beam at 9.5' as I recall and with all the talk about stability the secret I have found is running trolling bags off the sides when it is pretty rough. Will suck you right down on the water and takes a ton of pitch and roll out of the boat. There is a reason you see so many especially at Hughes! Not the fastest out there but a good solid platform to fish off. Don't let anyone kid ya either Lake Ontario when it is rough is rough.(period) As you well know! No matter what kind of boat you have you're going to feel it but you can mitigate the wave and bounce action somewhat too. I wanted a wide transom and got it in the Avenger and it is a compact design for the size of the boat. It is a dry ride too and a good hard top to get in out of the weather. Just put the kicker on it this summer and even with trolling bags out when it is really rough and snotty the Big Foot keeps right up with the waves for controlability. Lots of good boats will be coming up I would imagine. But everyone thinks bigger is better for a ride and it ain't especially with a big tall hard top. Lots of trade offs to be considered. Good luck man
  19. longbow

    Sold / Closed 1998 22.5 Pen Yan Outrage

    Yep like I said nice boat! Congrats
  20. longbow

    Sold / Closed 1998 22.5 Pen Yan Outrage

    Well hate to see this Rich but I understand completely. Rich is docked just up from me at Hughes and I can attest to the fastidiousness of his maintaining his boat. He is a very fine fella and the boat is TOO! Good luck brother.
  21. I sent ya a p.m. too, don't know if it wen through or not. thanks
  22. I don't know the product number, but it is the same as CLR only BETTER. It is rust, stain, and calcium remover. Comes in a blue colored gallon jug at Home Depot. Sorry that I can't remember the product number. But I think in the first post I mention rust, stain, and calcium remover.
  23. Bunch of us will be out Sat. Went out Tues early with the wife and went west as far as Orbachers in 140 to 120 and from Orbachers back to the New Houses just west of the Marina had good screens. Was a wee bit choppy though! Always someone around to give you hand if need be.
  24. I'm trying to cut down on the beer intake! How'd ya do last weekend Slooo Motion? Heard a bit of motion sickness with your fishing buddy. Saw ya coming in when I was heading home. 5 plus footers will do that though.
  25. Yep that is my ultimate fishing boat. Just sayin. If you ever consider a trade for a HD Electra Glide let me know. thanks
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