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September 10, 2013
Last visited
July 18, 2016
Custom fly I had Mike make. Shhhhhhh. Lol
Sounds like one I lost a couple years back. Is there at least one Sutton on it. About a mile or more north of Sampson. Top bead chain caught on second roller in. My dad just kept reeling and the knot pulled out. Not sure where high banks are.
Beautiful day on the lake. Had time for 1 pic. But caught a bunch. Just 2 of us so only 6 rods. Had only 3 rods in water at a time for most of day. Couldn't keep them out. Several doubles. Lakers, LL Salmon and Rainbows.
"Men In Blue" dedicated to Law Enforcement
Decided to go out of Clute and see how things look. After last year. My hopes for a good morning of fishing. Was a let's wait and see kind of thing. Trolled in front of Clute 10-15 fow. Also up east side. As far as Hector falls and back. Lots of sea weed pods and wood on that east side in about 60-70 fow. Had top water temp of just over 40 all morning. 42 up inlet near launch. Only 2 fish caught today. 19" laker on rigger down about 9ft. Also a perch on a flat line stick bait. Marked a lot of fish 20-40ft but no takers. They didn't seem to be all that big. Had a few big arcs about 100 to 125. The higher fish arcs were much smaller. Just getting familiar with my new fishfinder. We'll at least we didn't get skunked.
Today at field and streams I saw the same pattern on a Challenger brand stick bait. Look the same even the shape.
mi AZ
I also run the saltist 30. Wire divers and downriver rods. Love them.
Church boards do squat in the rear. They don't run level like big boards. I pull leadcore up to 12 colors and 100', 200' copper on them. Tx-44 work good for 300' and 400' copper.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Great job fellow Arima fisherman. The bows and salmon have evaded me most of the summer. So Lakers have been my main fish. I've managed to fill my freeze with them. So I can't complain.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I'm seeing just a little at the knots. Not bad at all.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Nice job nauti. I've done really good the last two times I've been. I was much deeper fow. Been getting nice Lakers just like you. Just not the big brown like you've fought today.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
There a great boat.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I have the same boat. My Arima is a 1996. Can't find a better fishing platform in this size of a boat.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
It appears that there were 2 Arima's on Cayuga this weekend. Is that true 58Johnson.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Marked very little fish. Mostly blank screen. But still caught fish.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app