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September 25, 2013
Last visited
March 1
Everything posted by hammer's down
I would like the outboard motor steering bracket
Tom B
Adam, Thank You again for making my old boat look brand new again !
I will take the dipsey divers
Was out yesterday, Monday 12th Set up by 6am started in 30 ft of water in front of Salmon River. Pointed out deeper first fish hit in 55 ft down 43 Moonshine Oscar spoon. Second hit same rig in 60 ft. bite slowed for us once sun was up missed 3 fish on dipsey 120-130 out rock star flasher/fly missed 2 on dipsey with chartreuse paddle/fly. back to dock at noon with 2 kings Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Looking for trailer for a 12-14 foot boat.text or call 203-915-4512 I'm located in Pulaski Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Nice work ! Very creative and effective in your approach ! Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Thank You all for your help! I will get a new board for my mag 5 and switch my probe to another rigger until I can get the 10a fixed. I like using the 10a for my probe cause it doesn't come up real fast. I have an old digitroll I can use for now. Thanks again Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I am trying to figure out what is wrong with my downriggers, which have separate issues. My newer mag 5 hs does not lower the weight when you press the toggle down. My older mag 10a, when raising the weight, you cannot stop it by depressing the toggle, but it does stop at the waters surface when it senses the short stop. I changed the switch on both, but it did not resolve the issue. Any info would be appreciated. Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Amish on Manwaring Rd in Pulaski. Ask for Jacob Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Mexico point park is a good ramp, although some of the charter boats from the little salmon river have been blocking the ramps while picking up and dropping off their clients and cleaning their fish.
My messages folder is completely blank for some reason also. I will take the Laurvicks, thanks Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
PM sent Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I have this one if you would like it. Works as it should, located in Pulaski. Make me an offer Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Good Deal ! Got some nice bigguns there !! Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Nice catch ! You do know the limit for lake trout is 2, and there is a slot limit...... Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I'll take em Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I will take these and the j7, j-9 lot also Thanks Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I will take them Greg Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Message sent Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I will take them if still available Thank You Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
What size are you looking for ? Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I use a metal blade on a sawzall, only a small amount of paint will come off if any. I really don't get too concerned about it. Been doing it for years, so I guess the will find out at the autopsy ! Lol Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Okay Thank you Sent from my moto e6 using Lake Ontario United mobile app