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Roys Boys

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Everything posted by Roys Boys

  1. He probably gets treated like a king at the local ducks unlimited dinners writing all those donation checks..
  2. Roys Boys

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.pressconnects.com/amp/5815817001 Masks required when getting 6ft from deer
  3. Still messing with the GoPro hopefully get better quality soon IMG_5345.MP4
  4. Yeah reveal pics are great.. spy points are decent but I definitely will buy the reveals and sell my SPYPOINTS when they get them in stock
  5. Lot of rod holders fixed custom steel and cannons $150 local pick up in Geneva
  6. Roys Boys

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

  7. Last years pic
  8. Bought a gaff for squid off Amazon I’m gonna try it out.. I usually snag them with a heavy spoon
  9. 4 hour trip today only 1 eel was on a fish rest came up on the DR balls one found the drain hole and escaped
  10. Roys Boys

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

  11. I did end up buying spy points picture quality isn’t the best but still get decent pictures.. my buddy has a tactacam revelx and pics are great quality
  12. Might be better off getting out of the bait pods and fishing a different area with less bait. I’ve never fished it but try running flat fish slow or peanuts
  13. Fished out of Hughes marina and caught a nice brown about 6lbs and it had the same spoon I caught it on snapped off in its mouth
  14. I’ll take these
  15. Ran out to 540ft 65-90ft down had a bunch of fish mature kings and some decent steelhead moonshine spoons worked best..all spoons
  16. https://www.themeateater.com/hunt/whitetail-deer/americas-worst-deer-hunting-law-could-change-next-week
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  17. Spy point images look good think the micros are 2 for $150 might be a option those pictures came out good
  18. Yeah I I looked at the reveals x heard great things but they’re sold out
  19. Just been reading reviews on trail cameras online some seem like horror stories others are great but pricey.. I was looking at the “stealth cam manifest” seems like spy points have bad picture quality.. anyone got any recommendations on a cell camera under $150?
  20. Respray with a clear coat or dip in kbs diamond coat and hang to dry
  21. What do you guys like for fertilizer.. no access to a hose.. do you like calcium or nitrogen? Pellets or spray
  22. Might of been less then that 😂
  23. Yeah don’t buy them.. some people lucked out and say they never had a issue but I’ll never forget when bassmasters elite came to the marina and dropped off 3 power heads that were blown just on the st Lawrence tournament.
  24. Anyone recalibrate their fish hawk set up? I bought a new probe and was wondering if I should do it or just leave it as is..
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