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power dive

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Everything posted by power dive

  1. I'm from palmyra ny hooked up
  2. Jigging is one of the best methods in that lake in the spring. But if your drifting and casting jigs drop a harness on the back side of the drift for some bonus eyes! It works. Goes for trolling blades that early in the year it can and has been done but that wouldn't be my number one way to takle that lake in the spring water is a touch too cold in the early spring to troll blades. Trolling stick baits early in spring can be killer or dead put the puzzle together as fast as you can and don't get lazy keep trying new thing!! Good luck
  3. Them are some nice looking spoons nice job with them!!
  4. Jstfshn I'm going to set it up so guys know the names of them
  5. All my spoons are brass
  6. I'm allowed to do that lrg355 don't want to upset anyone.
  7. Good luck on that fishing trip frogger! Post some pics
  8. Yes I'm working on a walleye spoon and a salmon spoon now The salmon spoon still needs to be fished a little more before I put it in my line up but I think I have a winner
  9. No they are lighter more of a trout and walleye spoon
  10. came up with this one red black dots. with a orange metallic back yet to run it. But it's brother did awesome this spring orange black dots. Metallic red back
  11. They are 3 1/4 slim prices very but almost all of them are 4.99
  12. I custom paint them wet the net.
  13. It's a helium spoon from hybrid lures frogger
  14. and for spoons this little guy but with hooks lol
  15. thunder stick watermelon has always put fish in the boat love thunder sticks!
  16. Bailey I can get them call me!
  17. Sorry i don't anymore but Dutch fork does ask for Keith and tell him nick sent ya he will hook you up he is a good lure painter and he has a chrome plating System
  18. Looking good!
  19. this is a green chrome I also have red, purple pink blue or orange chrome.
  20. Yes copper and nickel and chrome chrome colors
  21. Final flight look closer at the spots you will see red with the black dots
  22. Will do pap!
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