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Everything posted by bluewater1861

  1. New price...$3750....This boat fishes well and is a reliable machine..priced to sell
  2. 248 Sportsman.. Package includes 3 high speed Big Jon downriggers.Moore Sub troll. Furuno 582..VHF radio..Porta potty.Canvas is functional but needs replacing..Negotiable is the use of the dock on Genesee river for rest of the season. Dual axle trailer..call or text 585-794-0266
  3. Is the boat still for sale Dan
  4. Absolut40..I also lost my dad,,my buddy,in November..the 18th to be exact God bless my friend..it SUCKS
  5. Rain was supposed to hold off till 1 ish in southern tier...It didnt, soaked to the bone by 9am..Man it is damp out there
  6. In Pauls defense??????? Really??? thats just sickening and speaks volumes
  7. Wow Paul, Very heartless comment man ..lost a lot of respect from a lot of guys dude....
  8. With Traditions archery closing,what are some other reputable shops you guys suggest
  9. Sea-IV...you are spot on..Its the cottonwood for sure...Some fleas of course mixed in,but the cottonwood is definitely what is clogging up the reels and rod eyes. My question is,,,,,is it only on the surface and riding down the line and stacking up...Or is it in the water column from top to bottom and the line going to the ball is picking it up...I wouldnt think it would be suspended in column
  10. Its the cottonwood, more than the fleas...At least with fleas you can whip some of them off when running 30lb..Cottonwood no way...I have never seen it this bad..Its almost like the cottonwood and fleas combine to make some sort of glue..With algae mixed in for good measure...If your not cleaning lines every 15mins...your gonna have big problems
  11. Matt,Rich,and all the others behind the scenes..Thank you so much for putting on a fantastic tournament.Its all Rochester harbor has,and its awesome..47 boats entered says something about the potential Rochester harbor has to host an event. Good time had by all it appears...Looking forward to next year
  12. thanks for an honest report sir
  13. Great pic pal..Any more details?..depth your fishing..Rigger depths??.thanks man
  14. Its been YEARS since I have ice fished sodus. Trying to get back into it. Can anyone steer me in the right direction as where there is access and parking..Thanks
  15. Awesome,,let me know. Thanks
  16. Victory Baptist archery range Does anyone know if the archery range is open this time of year.
  17. A little off topic,but how do they just "show up" by the hundreds,if not thousands on the boat..Do they follow out from land? Or are they hatching on the water
  18. Copper,,thanks for asking ..how can I not even see results on the official site at 7pm..
  19. are you looking just for OSHA approved wood planking or scaffolding frames?
  20. Matt,,That is freekin awesome..I have seen Mercy Flight in action on several occasions, top notch pilots and a dedicated medical staff..thanks again
  21. and matt,I take it Mercy flight was very happy with there donation?..(which is a great cause by the way)
  22. Totally awesome derby today..Matt,Rick and friends...you guys nailed it.. thank you
  23. thanks for an honest report..Believe me you were not alone with that..
  24. I knew john well..He was a great man matt..
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