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Everything posted by bluewater1861

  1. I own a camp in the southern tier. We have a small amount of land,and butt up to 1200 acres of state land,which is designated a "state forest" that we bow hunt. Over the years they have marked trees for harvest,and usually in the summer cut them down. I understand why this is necessary. Today while in our stands a giant machine makes its way through the forest and starts clear cutting pines within 50 yards from us. Luckily I had a piece of orange fabric with me and began to wave it so he would stop,and we could get down from our trees. Needless to say our hunt was ruined. I approached the operator to ask how long he would be working this part of the woods. He stated "as long as it takes,and probably during gun season". I know this is a state forest,but do you guys think they should be allowed to harvest during deer season?. I contacted state forestry in bath and was told they are under contract so they can work all they want. Just frustrated,thanks for reading.......And didn't NYS just start a huge campaign to promote hunting and fishing?
  2. Wow..thanks for the quick response,,keep em coming,, want all options available ..Would Bryce come to the boat to measure?
  3. Can anyone recommend a reliable canvas person to do some repairs..Someone that will actually call me back and show up when requested..Any suggestions are appreciated.. located in the Rochester area...Thanks...
  4. To the outstanding person that found my wallet today and returned it to my truck ,I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart..As I loaded my ice gear I must have left my wallet behind..You found it in your heart to secure it to my truck in one piece..Again thank you,,losing it would have been such a nightmare...I can only hope you and your family are blessed with happiness forever..Words cant do my thanks justice..
  5. Hi fellas,,been working my tail off all week outside..Finally got a break and want to take my son son (11 yoa) out ice fishing tomorrow..I know braddocks has been sketchy for fish but gonna give it a whirl since its close to home..Could they turn on??How has it been ..Any advice,,or other advice on close places?? thank you in advance
  6. Duck,,You sound like a real proud Dad...Cherish and enjoy the times you have with your daughter in the great outdoors,,,cuz it goes by quick my friend
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