I own a camp in the southern tier. We have a small amount of land,and butt up to 1200 acres of state land,which is designated a "state forest" that we bow hunt. Over the years they have marked trees for harvest,and usually in the summer cut them down. I understand why this is necessary. Today while in our stands a giant machine makes its way through the forest and starts clear cutting pines within 50 yards from us. Luckily I had a piece of orange fabric with me and began to wave it so he would stop,and we could get down from our trees. Needless to say our hunt was ruined. I approached the operator to ask how long he would be working this part of the woods. He stated "as long as it takes,and probably during gun season". I know this is a state forest,but do you guys think they should be allowed to harvest during deer season?. I contacted state forestry in bath and was told they are under contract so they can work all they want. Just frustrated,thanks for reading.......And didn't NYS just start a huge campaign to promote hunting and fishing?