meetings notes:
- club had a vote on board positions all stayed the same except the vice president position is now filled by Zach Baker
-went over tourney dates which are as follows;
Sat may 12th tiger tourney either conesus or otisco needs to be voted on
Sat june 23rd Chautauqua lake tourney
Sat August 25th perhaps another Chautauqua tourney also needs to be voted on
Sat October 6th waneta lake tourney
-Also passed around the idea of having more tourneys/outings in the months of September and november
-National asking for $15 donations for calendars
-Banquet will be on April 21st with more details coming as we get closer
-Wanted to set up a tournament committee to help Zach out
-region 3 is havng a chapter challenge at Cave Run lake March 17th and 18th
-talking about different ways to promote our june 23rd Chautauqua tourney want to make it biggest yet. Running ads, posts on facebook, LOU, and email blasts
-Treasurer report