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February 10, 2014
Last visited
September 10, 2021
I would be interested in bases and single holder if available. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
This Saturday/Sunday was good. Made our annual trip and caught Kings and Cohos in 50 to 90 fow with riggers down 35-70 (set them where we saw marks) and dipseys on a 3 setting out 150 to 180 ft. Flasher fly, spinner with fly, j-plug, and gold mooselooke all took fish. I am a once a year Oswego guy, so others may have better/more detailed advice. Best of luck to ya. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Streamer flys not dreamer flys
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
I have used a newer version called the g2 jigger. It imparts action on the lure behind cannonball. I have had success using this device on smaller lakes running spoons or plain dreamer flys. I believe that these devices can be helpful as they continually vary the speed of the trolled lure.
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Mouth is black, we let it go as we thought it was a young King. Just making sure my id game is on. Thanks for the replies.
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
. Is this a king?
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
320 no. 1 dipsey with a blue spin doc and hammer fly 20 lb King this morning. 120 fow
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Over 20 and 12 lb King on blue and white on purple spin docs with hammer and purple fly respectively. One 7 over on a glow green j plug. All 69-87 (gronk) ft down in 80 to 120 fow
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Will be up for an annual trip tomorrow. Will post what works for us if we can buy a bite.
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
I was planning on picking up some new weights to reduce blowback on my riggers. I typically run 8 lb balls, but have borrowed 12 lb fish shaped weights that had less blow back (and loved them). I was thinking on bumping up to a 15 lb weight. I have cannon dual crank 6 downriggers (manual) that seemed to handle the 12 lb weights no problem. Anyone have experience with a similar set up. Do you think the riggers can handle the 15 lb weights?
Pancake, shark, or torpedo weights?
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Great report hoping to get up that way in mid-August
Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
I used to use the Riviera short booms with 8 and 10 lb weights. I upgraded to "new" cannon dual crank 6 riggers. Lol. I honestly love them, but I used to like the rivieras. Never having owned or used electrics, I just may not know any better.
Thanks to all for the info. I think I will rig up some 40 or 50 lb leaders from the dipsey
I had several spin doctor set ups break off off my dipseys. Using 20 lb mono 5 to 8 ft leads. I test the releases every time I deploy them do I do not think those are too tight. Is the 20 lb mono too light for this application.
Can't buy a bite today out of oswego anyone else having luck