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Everything posted by battlehammer

  1. thank you for the response- I will give that a try and see if it works
  2. I hope it's a easy fix- going to pick up suppressor plugs regardless of the problem- the power cord will be where I start- def near other wires- thanks again for your thoughts
  3. Thanks SK8man- I will check the wires when I get back to Wilson where the boat is-It's the same exact transducer shape- the more I google the issue the more possibilities pop up. I am reading that RPM interference shows up as vertical lines in this unit as I stated I'm having. I'm working in NYC this week and have a lot of hotel time so hopefully I can pin this down some online and maybe a call to lowrance
  4. now that I sit here thinking about it again- when it starts to get bumpy my RPM goes up some to compensate - any help appreciated-
  5. I have a issue with my HDS with "interference" on the screen but only when it gets a little bumpy out. When it's dead calm it runs perfect. It stops marking my deepest downrigger also - if not both when this happens. By interference I mean vertical lines from top to bottom on the screen. It happens in auto or in manual mode where I can control sensitivity,ping speed and color line. I have a Starcraft islander and I installed it last year. I put the transducer in the same spot that my last lowrance transducer was. Transducer location ? My settings seems to be spot on. Any suggestions appreciated before I start drilling needless holes- Thanks
  6. I agree 100% Killians. The key word being "targeting" them.
  7. Bait is piled up just east of the bar- hooks a plenty but I can't get them to fire. We are catching alewives on our sliders constantly. Running 2 inline flats for coho and the lakers are hitting them-
  8. I won't argue that but Lake trout are like getting a sweater for Christmas - sure it's a gift but not what you want.
  9. fish face- are the 10 kings mature? If so you the man- I ran to escape the juveniles- no sense in killing our future fish. I'm so sick of catching lakers!! The fishing for me has gotten worse as the week progressed
  10. Good job- I'm still just drowning spoons-
  11. Slow here towards Wilson also- couple lakers
  12. I'll be out in the morning- good luck
  13. I'm out now- been working 80-100' east and west of Wilson - tons of lakers - 1 for 3 on kings.
  14. Saturday 5-7. Another tough day of fishing. All lakers no salmon. Best part of the day was watching the WHI boats take off after the shotgun start- pretty cool. Back at it Wednesday- hopefully the blow tonight into tomorrow stirs some things up and the fishing changes. Talked to some WHI guys at the launch at the end of the day and it doesn't sound like many got into the Kings heavy- only a few teams with 6 salmon to weigh - so I was told
  15. Fished from 60' to 250' and could not get a decent program going. Took some lakers (hard not too) a couple coho and one King around 12#. Every fish came off a different lure. Lots of boats and most seemed to be searching like I was. Be back out in the morning- hope to have a better day-
  16. . Thanks Brandon- just a matter of weeding through countless slime dogs to find silvers. Looking forward to heading your way soon to beat on those eyes- I'll be in touch
  17. Thanks for the report King slammin-Bum deal on that king!! I hear you about the lakers ( we are so spoiled here!) I would have traded going to work today for another day of slimers if I had a choice though. I'm fishing 8 of 10 days of the LOC out of Wilson ( weather permitting) and will post-
  18. Just tie the end off to the reel handle or reel seat with a loop- they will give you instructions on how they like them shipped when you talk to them- it's not a issue
  19. . Zebra mussels and quagga mussels are here to stay. I do a lot of zebra mussel sampling for various industries and utilities. Any reduction methods are only temporary. The only sure method that keeps them out of any body of water is low calcium levels in the water. This makes it impossible for them to mature into a adult and grow a shell and reproduce.I have been sampling the NYC drinking water reservoir systems for 20+ years. The calcium is why they are not in that system..... Yet. Most but not all are calcium deficient. Also we have found mussels in perch and sheepshead while doing stomach analysis studies.
  20. Good stuff Killians- I'm sure we will cross paths at Wilson sooner than later- Good fishing
  21. King- did it for my first time ever yesterday with a guy who does it often - get Emeralds and some rigs and go to the boats. It's pretty simple, had a blast.
  22. Thanks- it was a surprise when it took off screaming- just 2 of us and we were each fighting a laker when it went off. Killian- that casting sounds like some fun with light line. What were you casting?
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