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Everything posted by battlehammer

  1. Congrats Brandon- That is a hog! That will fill the freezer up. Awesome your daughter got to share the experience with you. I’m betting you got another picked out for gun[emoji106][emoji16] Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. It just sounds awful to me Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. I never got more than a mile from pier E or W. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  4. Temps were all over the place today 75-55 at the ball down 50- mid 50’s on bottom- Yesterday there was a break off Wilson35-45 down of almost 20 degrees and the fish loved it up high. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  5. Not sure what’s up with the pic issue Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  6. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Fished inside 65-90’ - went 8/12 on majors- let go one that was a lamprey buffet.- brought 2 newbies and they rocked. Dipsey-3set 250 and 175- riggers 68 and 48. FF and Spoon bite. Bounced my speed around - a lot of strikes on slow down after speed burst. Dipseys took most IMG_1553.HEICIMG_1557.HEICFUN FUN FUN! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. You should be good to go- slight chop but nothing crazy Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  10. Weeds are a PITA!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  11. Took 3 this morning by 8:00 inside- FF/ higher up the water column 35-45’ - just lost another as I was typing - 58 over80 IMG_1533.HEICIMG_1540.HEICIMG_1533.HEIC Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. I hear ya fishmaster- my fishing log agrees with you to but last time out offshore was smoking and the Saturday before Labor Day with 2 tournaments going on and Combat fishing - not how I wanted to spend the day relaxing with my dad. I like to avoid as much pack fishing as I can.I will take your advice for tomorrow AM- Thank you Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  13. Thanks for that inside report - I would really like to leave those steelhead alone if I can- gotta put a lot of time in reviving those chromers before release. I’m stilling gonna give it a shot inside early then head north as the sun gets high. I will report. I got some first timers fishing Monday so I want to check out as much water as possible before then. It seems most stay pretty quiet when it comes to reports from the West end. Many props to the Rochester and to the East end guys. They always have some kind of report to read. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  14. Started offshore off Wilson in 400’ and trolled north to 480- green water disappeared as we went north-did nothing but small kings and many steelhead. Bite was deep 80-125’. Pulled rods and ran to 400’ Off Olcott and trolled SW back toward Wilson. Marked a fair amount of bait and hooked our only 2 majors in 300 and 350’ water. Both FF- atomik habanero 90 and 115 down. Both came unbuttoned 🤬. Steelhead bite continued 50 to 80 down until we quit at noon. Every spoon I put out took steelhead- bright and dark-Great day just the wrong species for me- I’m guessing we took 20 steelhead-We are so spoiled here! Tomorrow in the AM I will be trying inside. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. We marked very little also- at least we both made the best out of what we had to work with. The wind was a bummer- Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  16. Planned ongoing offshore but strong south winds put the kibosh on that. Worked 95-120’ of water. Took 6 browns, 5 skippies and lost the only major we hooked. All fish came off rigger set 5’ off bottom. Major hit a dipsey 165 back. All fish on spoons. Warrior black pearl UV continues to be my best producing spoon. FF and meat never moved. Took my buddies daughter out for her first Lake O trip and we let her reel all fish in. She had a blast and thankfully handled the chop with no issues. Add another fisherwomen to our ranks- she can’t wait to get back out. Weeds were a bit of a hassle. Had to check rods often. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. You are certainly going to have better luck on LEU even though People are fairly tight lipped on LEU also. It will also keep you from catching a little hell about posting about Erie on Ontario site.I have not fished perch this year at all but Sunday we marked some perch schools in 68-73’ of water just east of the Catt. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. We fished out of the Catt yesterday also- same program. My intent was to fish salmon for the remainder of the year but the weekend winds on Ontario forced me back to Erie- it is really stupid easy to box out this year on Erie. Anyone who wants a nice walleye fry should hit it up at least once, not a lot of bigger fish but endless 15-20” fish Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. If you want local call Captain Bobs in Clarence to see if he has what your looking for before making the drive- they pack a lot of tackle in that place. Great place run by a great guy Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. Great job- was an incredible day of fishing. Dock etiquette and Wilson are never in the same sentence- someone should be in the pay building at all times instead for just collecting money from the early morning fisherman launching. I try my best to get back before the pleasure boaters hit the water- it can be a free for all-launch and loading signs on the perspective launches means nothing to people and that’s what causes the chaos. I told that guy in the small pontoon to slip it in while I was going to get my trailer - I assumed common sense would kick in and he would move it to the other side of the dock then load up his gear but he took his grand ole time until my father straightened him out- my bad for trying to be a nice guy. common courtesy sadly is a thing of the past Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  21. Temp bounced some but my probe rigger was parked at 95 all day with a FF in 52-56 degrees. I hit 50 and below under 110 on the few occasions I checked. The 115 rigger was constant action so I never did much exploring for temp once the bite started Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  22. I report every time I fish good or bad -tournament or not so keep your eyes on the website. Hope to be back at it Friday Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  23. The stellar offshore bite continues for salmon- fished with my dad from 7-1 and we got a workout today! Many doubles and chaos with only two of us-hooked over 20 kings today. Bite was deep with our 115 rigger tearing it up with a Warrior UV black pearl spoon. It took 75% of our fish. FF with green crinkle did the rest. 460’ of water and deeper. Some real decent size fish Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  24. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  25. Congrats-Nice catch- I have a doctored up purple NK with a yellow ladderback on it that has produced for me for many years also. One ugly looking spoon but it works Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
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