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March 21, 2014
Last visited
Saturday at 01:41 PM
Everything posted by kavorka
Lot 11 sold. Happy to provide more pics if needed. Thanks
New lots added
lot 23- brown trout spoons
lot24 - steelhead/panfish bobbers 2are slip, most are used. The raven and a couple other have not.
lot25 - baitfish attracting light w/net
*Note this lot is $15…used once
Hi Sherman, check your mail
Pm sent with info. Thanks
Lots 2 and 9 sold pending payment
Lots added
fishing vest worn once xxl
marine battery assembly with end covers-4ft new
Lot 6 and 13 sold pending payment
Each lot is $20, shipping extra. I can combine to save you money. Free pickup at Bald Eagle Marina. Most items are in good used condition but feel free to pm me for more pictures or info about a particular lot.rattle baits
small sticks 3 1/2evil eyeslarge cranks- smithwick, yozuri 6 1/2 inches including billbass stuff -half are new or never fishedsmall bombers laker stuffreef runnersCleo’svintage flutters-some newstacking/cheater devicesdownrigger releases, Scotty is newbass cranksvintage flutter spoons-very used Sutton, Pine Valley, Jensen,Reeker, Clearwater
Spinner blades mostly willow blades over 120pcs newold stuff in very used condition
Forgot I still have these. Price lowered to $65.
Fish mobile made out of solid ash, wire leaders, swivels and lead sinker. New, never been outside yet except for pictures. I have a video of it turning on my Facebook page. Stangler Fine Arts. $200 shipped.
A number of LOU and LOTSA members already have some of the artwork I make. Thanks
I have a new/never worn, in box, pair or boots size mens 8. $70
Prefer-Greece /Oak Orchard/Brockport meet or pickup in Kendall. Will ship at buyers cost.
Still available. Overall measurement of one is 33”x11”x17”. Optional pickup in Sodus most weekends throughout this summer
The rail diameter is 7/8 inches. Each holder can handle a 9 to 11 inch fender
Two sets of triple fender holders $225 for both. Great condition Located in Rochester. Shipping maybe pricey but will do at buyer’s expense
Got to love it when people are looking for something and don’t even reply back when you have it. Thanks for the No reply. Why should anyone waste their time?
Inventor Lewis E Hamel’s Minotrapper and original box. This clear plastic folding minnow trap is from the 1940’s and was manufactured here in Rochester NY. The last one I saw sold for over $120. Asking $75
I will have this at the LOCBA flea on Mar 25. PM me if interested
These rods and about 10 others, spinning and fly, will be available at the LOCBA on March 25 at the port of Rochester. Pm me if you are interested in pre buying or want more info
$35, used once. 6 ft long
Probably too expensive to ship but can be picked up in Kendall or at the LOCBA Flea Market on March 25th
$55 each…7 ft 1 piece
These rods are older(I have had them over 20yrs and bought them used). Very good condition. 2 rods have new Fuji tops and 1 is missing the butt cap. I will only ship at this time if all three are purchased. I have one tube that will fit. I will be at the LOCBA flea, March 25 if you want to pick them up there.