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Great Lakes Lure Maker

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Everything posted by Great Lakes Lure Maker

  1. Ok, on my computer now. So, again, 2 rolls of lowrance paper, with stylus, and a belt and stylus for $30.00. You pay shipping. Jason
  2. Sorry, not used to using my phone. How about the 2 roll lowrance paper with stylus and a belt with stylus
  3. 76 rolls total. I have about 10 stylus's. and some belts, and some packages have stylus's in them as well.
  4. Here are pictures of the streamers I have for sale. They are tandem 3/0 single hooks. All hardware is stainless steel. (wire & hooks) These are quality products. There are 19 colors, and a total of 327. on the first picture the colors are: from top, left to right and bottom, left to right as follows. Top row: Golden smelt, blue smelt, rainbow trout, alwife, orange blaise, gov aiken, blk blaise, silver blue, blk smelt, golden hilton, green devil. bottom row: magog smelt, 9-3, white devil, chartreuse, jack smelt, b+g special, blk minnow, mickey finn. I am asking $3.00 a piece. I want to get rid of them, so larger orders get a better deal. Buy them all and we can talk. Second pic is blk smelt out of the package. Third is the MFG. fourth is the front of the package. Thank you, Jason 607-426- five 0 nine 4
  5. Does anyone still use paper graphs? I have about 100 rolls of graph paper, still in packaging. Maybe 4 Lowrance double packs with stylus. Let me know if there is an interest, if not I will put them on ebay. Jason
  6. I have about 1000 Angler Custom Products streamers. All new and in original packaging. There are at least 30 different colors. I thought I would see if there is any interest in them here, before I try to put them on ebay. I dont have any pics of them yet. I just found them cleaning out the lure shop. If anyone is interested in them I can post some pics of them tomorrow.
  7. Nice. I,m going tomorrow. Probably not early, taking my girlfriend. Thanks for getting me excited to go! Nice Brown.
  8. Nice! I put off today for tomorrow. Guess I should have gone. Fishing shallow?
  9. Oh yeah, very nice fish. What time did you fish? Pretty windy at my house.
  10. Thanks for your responses. I will save your names and if the opportunity comes up again I will certainly be in touch. Good bunch of guys here on this site! Looking forward to meeting people from here. Hassellmania, I love to ocean fish as well. Maybe we can hook up for a trip or two this year. Fathobbit, Nice looking fish. A nice rainbow always makes the trip worthwhile! Congrats!
  11. In my opinion a good rain seems to benefit the fishing. I grew up with a cartoon on the wall of a man with his dog in a small boat. The dog has a panic look on his face cause its pouring and lightning striking the water. The caption says " Nothing like a good storm to perk up the fishing eh Scout". Some of my best trips were in pouring rain.
  12. Sorry to hear about your dad. He was a good man and was a driving force to the Finger Lakes fishing industry. He will certainly be missed by many. My condolences to you and your family! Sorry for your loss, Jason Oakes
  13. I see. Well, good luck. I hope it works for you also.
  14. Went alone. Fished about 3 hrs. Didnt go till 1, and it was a little choppy. Glad everything is working fine, and no problems to fix. Looking forward to next trip. Changing all my line and snaps.clean the boat and maybe get some new upgrades, but ready to fish 2014!
  15. Fish are piled up at 50ft and less. 42-42.7 degrees in the muddy water. low 30's rest of the lake. debris is bad, but north wind has been keeping it pushed into shore. Debris is also piled in lines along the temp breaks. I saw a tractor tire and a tree in 15 ft that isnt moving. about 6-8 inches in diameter, so I would keep a close eye out if your under power. Stay shallow and fish 0-30 ft down. I like to fish east-west in front of the break wall. Line up with the big cottage on the east side and the harbor when fishing west. Right in front of the green channel marker it comes up quick when heading east. Fish are always hot right there for me.
  16. Stafford family are still the owners, as far as I know. Here is the # for them. 585-374-2628.
  17. Shake down cruise for me as well. (2pm -5pm) Auto pilot didn't work well into the wind. (going too slow) It did work well across the wind, and with the wind. At just a slight jog to the wind it would hold, but couldn't react fast enough to head into the wind. Is this similar to the problems you had? No gain adjustment could help, and the higher the gain the worse the reaction time was. No fish to report, got skunked. Just glad all is working and ready for the season.
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