Also with the lake being a little rough this morning, we only caught fish trolling with the waves. Not one release going against them. Probably because going against them was making the downrigger weight bounce around so much messing up the lure action. Trolling with the waves helped us keep the bouncing to a minimum and helped us maintain the right speed. With tomorrow’s west wind (if it’s a little rough out) I would motor out west to 100 fow and find the warmest water and then troll east with the waves. Try same thing we did. Good luck.
We went out of ibay today. Found kings when we got out to 90-100 fow and turned west. 25-35 down on riggers, lines 50-60 back with stinger spoons. 2.8-3.0 mph on the fish hawk is what worked for us. Green with black was best and caramel dolphin took multiple hits too. Leadcore was effective too with spoons. 6-8 colors down on the leadcore. We only ran 3 rods today, didn’t even try planers or dipseys. Went 11 for 13 today. 1 laker, 1 small coho, and the rest were kings. Biggest was 13 lbs. lost 2 nice kings due to break offs. Tomorrow suppose to be rough, hopefully you get to fish the morning at least before it gets rough. We started catching fish today when we started finding warmer water.
Far from excellent. It's been slow. Some days are better than others. The best fishing has def. been out towards Rochester. Fished Mexico bay with minimal luck lately. Went to Rochester recently and it was well worth the extra miles.
Yep. Wiring issue. When you reverse the polarity, you will reverse the direction the motor turns. Redo the wiring to your power source and rewire the plug too. Make sure positive is to positive and negative to negative.
You'll def. wanna add to your arsenal. Only have riggers is limiting your catch rate. As far as only catching smaller kings, it could just be the location you fished. You'll get bigger ones as the season progresses. Simply adding leadcore, copper, wire or braid dipseys set ups will give you another dimesion to your spread. Sometimes its a rigger bite, then its a dipsy bite. Copper can be deadly too. My advice if you're a serious salmon troller would be to go to a quality baitshop and ask them to set you up with a couple dipseys, flasher fly setups, spoons etc. Most bait shops have charter captains or ex captains working there. Just be sure to ask lots of questions and bring your wallet. This is a very expensive sport. It will take you years to figure it all out. Lots of researching on forums and googling helps too.
I had similar issue before. Motor would run good for about 20-30 seconds then wanna stall out. Pump the ball and same scenario again. I pulled the fuel line connector off the motor, removed it from the fuel line and found that there was a blockage in my fuel line in between the bulb and the connector that hooks up to motor. Come to find out the ethanol in the gas I was using was eating away at the inside of the fuel line. Once I cleaned out the blockage in the connector and fuel line, the motor ran with no problems. After that we replaced fuel lines and bulb and now only use non ethanol gas. I still put a little sea foam in fuel tank on fill ups to be safe. Sea foam can't hurt. Start simple check fuel lines and inside the fuel line connector and bulb first. Then I would look into a carb clean. It might be water in the gas issue as well and the reason the main motor runs fine is because that motor has a water separator installed and the kicker doesn't.
I am selling a depth raider with spare probe, spare antenna and 2 spools of coated cable. Both probes have break away cables to attach probe to ball. Spare probe has only been used a couple times. 2 segments on temperature portion of display do not light up but luckily it is the last digit so you will be able to read first 2 digits but you will have a tough time reading the temperature to the exact tenth of a degree. Never bothered me but if u wanted and know how to solder a new display is only $25 or so. Speed at ball digits work properly. Switched to a fish hawk so don't need depth raider anymore. Selling as a whole lot, will not piece out. $450 takes it all. Fair price considering all this together would cost about $700 or more brand new. Call 575-693-4006 ask for Bert for more details. Located in Amsterdam ny