When I got the boat the previous owner left it the water I leave it in the water for a mouth I don't know what kind of paint is on there. Can I put paint for towed boats on top of whats there?
I just strip off all the cable and looks good .I am going to redo the end .I just talked with sone who as 2 sub troll got sick of the problems he was having with them and bought a fish hawk he says I can use head unit to see if it makes a difference Yes I know you have to burn off the coating at the end and wrap it. This unit was working fine than all of a sudden.
The battery is good.The first battery was not .Put on a tester reading 12.3
The next thing to do is pull all the cable off and ck it.I don't know why I get speed and no temp. My be the head unit is no good.May have to send it all out and have it ck.My be this new prob has a bad temp sensor where the paddle wheel is.
No double keel. put in on TX-44 did not plane out always back behind the boat.Put it out on otter boats still the same thing.Should I try double keel? I think 450 cooper should overboard bout had enough.
POS sub troll
New prob ,new cable from antenna,new antenna, new battery, check cable.Got speed but the temp will work for about 2 min than he reading reads 00.0 but it looks like 88.8.
Any help?