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About stealth423

  • Birthday 10/20/1960

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    watervliet ny
  • Interests
    bowhunting fishing for browns an fly fishing
  • Home Port
    mexico point
  • Boat Name
    the stealth

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  1. i have watch these guys snagging big browns an steelhead at berts dam the people who run fishermans park close thier eyes to it we need more encon around not more rules for the honest fishman
  2. has anybody heard that the limit on browns is to be one fish per day instead of three for 2019
  3. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. webster ny hi guys looking for some help finding a public fishing pier in Webster ny was there years ago and did well there when the weather was bad just forgot were it was, I guess that comes with age lol
  5. thanks for your help ed
  6. muddy waters hi guys was wondering what color spoons to throw for brown trout in lake Ontario when the water is muddy thanks for your help
  7. snow and ice hi guys was wondering how much snow and shore ice is in the Oswego area
  8. kayaking for browns last weekend, ended up with bonus laker in 10ft of water great day of fishing
  9. mexico slow yesterday water temp 39 find warm water , found warm water towards Oswego did well
  10. going tomorrow will let you no how we did
  11. nice fish what size rod an line wt do you use to troll with
  12. can you help what kind of fishing rod an line wt should I use to troll for browns in my kayak on lake Ontario also what stick baits an crank baits would you choose. thanks for your help, ed
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