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April 13, 2014
Last visited
November 3, 2015
Everything posted by BAA
Were do you buy your super slim blanks from? I have been looking for blanks that size but can't find them.
Would you ship or for pickup only
I have a mercury 15hp kicker and had the same issue I changed every fuel line the baulb the motor connector new filters and had the carb rebuilt twice and new thermostat was still stalling. Took a year but found out that it was gettig too hot and the gas was vaporizing so I cut out a section of the cowling on the carb side and put a vent in. It runs like brand new haven't had a issue since.
I was on your web site looking for prcut tape for some pro troll flashers but can not seem to see any pictures of the colors do you have pre cut tape for these
Does anyone out there run braided line on there downrigger rods. I am thinking of changing over my rods to braided and putting on a fluro leader. Less bow in the line to the ball and better releases and hook sets iam thinking any thoughts
I get industrial sticky back Velcro and stick it back to back and cut it in 1/2" strips then you can wrap it around the dipsey arm and it stays put and doesn't mark your rod up
I have dome 7 foot rods for copper but the top eye insert keeps falling out its two small I like the 7 foot rod for storage as my boat is smaller okuma makes a copper rod but it is 8'6" has anybody changed out the first eye to a bigger stainless eye for the knot to go through or know of a 7' rod for copper
Looking to add a 150 250 300 400 coppers what reels will these fit on with backing I have a okuma 55 for the 400 will the 300 fit on a okuma 45 and the 150 and 250 fit on a 30
Rubber band half hitched on the line put on a metal shower curtain hook if I am using them in the spring I half hitch on the line and then put a knoton the other side to a shower curtain hook then bite on side so only half the rubber band is holding on the line
I would like 5 of the michigan stinger and 5 of spin doctor flashers for fishing your port what ones were your hottest setups last year
Were do you buy your tape to put in your cutter i am looking for a few rolls to make some ladderbacks on a cutter I have
For sale pair of cannon older style swivel bases dont know what there worth make offer buyer pays shipping
Sea Star hydraulic steering cylinder for outboard motor I had it on a 25hp kicker motor on a 31 Tiara hooked up the main steering hydraulics to it and could then steer the kicker from the helm 300.00
For sale set of props 18x23 Ni-bral props off 31 Tiara Believe from Michigan prop make offer
Wondering what this is I see Yankee troller post about it and would like some insight thank you
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I am going to buy two combos blades and heads together what is your opinions on which color and brand to buy a green color and a blue/aqua color?
Looking for some advice on meat rigs how long of a leader do you use from the flasher to the back hook of the rig? Is there any good color combinations that are better then others and what brand will run the best out of the package 8" or bigger flasher Thanks for the help want to try these this year
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
If you give me your number I can text a picture to you off my phone I just dont know how to do it on the computer
New last year quad trees from great lakes planers with track mount base used one season 300.00 plus shipping
When you run say a 300 copper off your mast and planer boards what type of release do you use?