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April 18, 2014
Last visited
August 29, 2021
Everything posted by Guppiekilla
All 3 reels still available??
To tight of spread! used to run 3 now I run 2. Can’t run 4 dipsy’s with 3 or 4 riggers, out of my boat that is...
What is your schedule looking like (availability)
Definitely willing to check it out. Any pictures
I have a 20’ Penn Yan center council. That I trailer all over. Have lost all faith in its undersized junk trailer it came on. I am smack dab in the middle between Rochester and Syracuse willing to travel
How deep you target at night ? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Slow bite good and bad days high waters have the Waldo's all screwed up wanna move rods stay in the skinny waters 12 -15
Found them 10 fow channel shallow smithwicks and modified deeps Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Struggled this morning only caught bunch of perch looking for some walleye assistance anybody out there ran bay rats smithwick raps bottom bouncers harnesses started at Johnson and covered all areas between cherry and point peninsula Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Should of pushed the temp break in
it was not a nice day to fish but, I payed to launch so i was going to make the best of it. got up to 5 footers the fish where biting, 5 for 8 2 nice kings 3 large lake carp fishing the 120 to 185 foot of water range. a couple B slaps on the spoons it was a FF bite today. wanted to go off shore but not worth the body and boat beating. I hope for tight lines and better sailing tomorrow.
6 eyes today only 3 keepers I think the cold front and rain had a lot to do with it, where biting early and shut right off. Two eater perch as well not really worth the trip. Better then stairing at the TV all day
Between Rochester and Syracuse
Can I stop out to check them out
Lost my license need to sell all with a motor. Has 1990 Evinrude v4 110 horse runs about 50mph comes with one big Jon down rigger dual rod holder, 4 Atwood rod holders for walleye, 1 Dipsy rod holder,2 bases(one holder was stolen) 1 lourance grapth one hummingbird grapth, livewell, freshly wired low rider galvanized trailer extra prop trolling plate will throw in a extra trolling plate if wanted asking 2500 or best offer must sell
Did it have a green emerald glow paddle with it 10"
Nice box late in the season
you guys stopped short I headed out of Sodus Point between 600 to 650 FOW and the fishing was great mag dipsy 350 383 out 90-110 down on the riggers large paddles (10''s and 12'') on the wire emerald green glow Sea sick. spoons on the riggers moonshine mags gator UV Michigan spoons boxed out by 10:30 mature kings and large steelies
Hey don't forget your flares if your boat is over 16' also lead core 5 and 10 color work well with worm burners and stinger spoons
Perfect day on Cayuga the big O was to rough today went 18 for 24 boxed nice salmon, limits of lakers one nice brown, wanted a rainbow to grand slam couldn't find one 60 to 120 FOW orange spoons where hot cheaters on 60 riggers all poles fired except 300 copper and lead core 140 165 on the wire was good as well! (2setting) get r done fun fun