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Everything posted by pieman9155

  1. pieman9155


    ok thanks
  2. pieman9155


    does anybody fish walleye near mexico bay
  3. i see now not going to be nice out . now i see how much weather changes
  4. coming up thursday or friday . no fish hawk .where to start. 16ft boat
  5. My granddaughter Kaylee. First time out on Lake Ontario. Sent from my SM-G970U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. Nicest first brown 5 lbs Sent from my SM-G970U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. me and wife come up satday to red mirrocaft i never have luck but keep trying
  8. Amen🙏
  9. I live down by Albany .just me and wife come up to fish
  10. yes i work homedepot we are only letting 50 people in at a time . poeple are getting mad about it
  11. gas station
  12. they are all camp grounds for now they will not open
  13. pink bay rat . about a foot a little windy
  14. we went 1 for 6 wedesday lost nice one at boat . the one we got was 6 lb small mouth
  15. thinking making the run tomorrow to mexico bay with wife
  16. i just load the boat .but in the garage . i have the last week in march .hope the one day that week
  17. 2 only on lake champlain 3 the rest
  18. hunting license sale are down . the dec said at meeting
  19. i hope it flat on the first for my birthday . i tike my 16ft boat out 5 mile about 8 time have done so go on king , but that is fishing . and no fish hawk
  20. what i did was make a copy of my pass and put it in my window. i had the same problem with pass
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