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April 30, 2014
Last visited
October 5, 2023
Everything posted by stillfishing
Could somebody tell me how deep 300 copper will get with a flasher fly of some sort 400 and 500 copper. I read different things so just trying to clear it up for myself. Thanks to all who give great information.
Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Wow that's great thanks for that.
Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Thanks Paul
Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I must be missing a lot of fish then Thanks
Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Do a lot of you guys fish your riggers deep to get temperature that you need. I generally don't fish passed 100 on righers. I've been reading a lot of people fish deep to get big kings.
Wow thanks very much small spoons better
Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I was wondering if anyone could give me a good starting point for steelhead out deep. And what would be the best baits. I heard its great fishing out deep for them. I made it to 500 and didnt have any luck. Thanks
Sent from my GT-P5210 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I was wondering if anyone could give me a good starting point for steelhead out deep. And what would be the best baits. I heard its great fishing out deep for them. I made it to 500 and didnt have any luck. Thanks
Sent from my GT-P5210 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
That's my favorite spin doctors. How deep of water we're you fishing? Glad you had a better day. Was out Friday had 9 steelhead and small kings 1 lake trout. 425-500.
Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
That's down speed
Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
How deep todat?
Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
What temps are you guys looking for?
Sent from my GT-P5210 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I work right there by the launches. Fishing has not been very good . Small kings 14" very slow there. The bar that is .
Sent from my GT-P5210 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
We had lead core 5 7 10. We had dipseys out and riggers. Didn't have copper but my next purchase. Thanks for updates
Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Water seems to be very unstable right now. we only had for fish all on spoons 70 feet 21 30
Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Went out of Olcott tonight 5-9 went 4 for 5 two king teenagers and 1steelie 1laker lost one steelhead at the boat. Water temp down was 49-51 fish 70ft to150 pick up two kings in 130.
Sent from my GT-P5210 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
What spoons are those?
Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Do the pivot both ways?
Sent from my GT-P5210 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Just would like to know is this is a good finder? Was going to buy this one or the Garmin 840. Any imput would be great. Thanks
Still have it
Sent from my GT-P5210 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Thanks im buying it
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Thanks guys this is all great help. Fished with a guy that had one he had just got it so he was still learning. I fish out of olcott and goldenhill and wilson . So with the the fish hawk just dropped it down had north and look for temp? How deep do you start?
Sent from my GT-P5210 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Im not trying to be a idiot here. But would most of you say this is the most important tool on the boat? Iv been fishing for years with out one and not had much trouble catching fish. I might not catch 20-25 aday . What should I be looking for with this thing. Is it worth the $700 bucks? Dont get me wrong i understand the basics of this thing. Thanks
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Yes its a 4 stroke
Sent from my GT-P5210 using Lake Ontario United mobile app