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Everything posted by greenboatluke

  1. You could research/contact some of the bracket companies for specs on the mounting side measurements. Then see how close it would be to your main if you mounted it all the way up at the bumper rail to the bottom of the hull. I have a spring loaded one and I like it, gets it up and out of the water when not in use. Also ez steer would be the way to go to link it to the main steering. I have one on mine and it works well.
  2. Welcome back! I’m on the east end too, in NY though. Best of luck out there!
  3. Yep, check your PM.
  4. Nice tip! I’ll be trying it!
  5. Funny, I just listened to that podcast today!
  6. Yep, I still have some. Check you PM.
  7. Not the most current report, but threw together a video from mid-June. Went out for browns on the east end. Found a good amount of fish!
  8. I swear I sent them, but will send again. Sorry about that… please check our pm discussion and make sure the address is accurate.
  9. It’s Jefferson and St Lawrence counties that are closed to c&r with artificial lures during the off season. St Lawrence county was actually a more recent addition to the closed areas. And they moved opening day to June 15th, I think to give it a hard date. I think your point about closing more areas is a great idea.
  10. Copper sinks about 20 feet per 100 ft of copper. You deploy all the copper to the backing and fish it on a planer board or down the chute.
  11. Mostly other pike. There was one circular welt on one side, that was fresh.
  12. Yes they do have parts for older stuff. I found them when I was looking for parts for a ‘74 9.5 evinrude that was my grandfather’s. It’s currently my kicker!
  13. Made my way up north Friday a.m. and picked up the boat on the way. Gassed up, loaded gear, and got to Sackets Harbor launch around 2:30 for a solo trip. Trolled Black River Bay, looking for walleye. 3 color went off while I was setting but came unbuttoned. Shortly after, the 3 color went off again. Landed a nice pike. Landed another pike on a 4 color, smaller and quite beat up. Saturday a.m., engine starts and stalls (normal for my ‘98 cold 2-stroke). Then just makes a click sound! Switch to spare battery, no luck, just clicks 😖. Load the boat and head back to camp. Run to Watertown for a new battery… still just a click! 😫 Must be the starter. Get on the phone, Burt Goodnough marina is open and have a rebuilt starter that fits!!! Pull the one in the engine, run a half hour down route 3, grab the rebuilt one, run back, slap it in, and the engine turns right over! 👍🏼 Went out for a couple afternoon hours with my brother, but didn’t move a rod. Wishin I got more fishing in, but the necessary repair got taken care of and the boat will be ready for the next time! And I can’t thank the folks at the marina for their skill, explanations and stock. They got me back on the water quick!
  14. There’re browns around the Henderson area. They can be found in the Bay and outside as well.
  15. If you’re staying near henderson, you can launch out of stony creek and hit the reefs around stony point. Slide out til you find fish.
  16. I have a 450 copper on one of these with braid backing, if anyone wants to know what it can hold. Good luck with the sale!
  17. A lamprey is a lamprey, but a sea lamprey should be in the foot to foot and a half range. These ones may have been native lamprey. Learned this through a podcast by FishHawk called Great Lakes Fishing Podcast. Interesting to hear the data and what they’re attempting for control. Sea lamprey live in the gravel for most of their life filter feeding, then emerge full grown and feed as a parasite for 12-18ish months before spawning and dying. Here’s a link to it. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/great-lakes-fishing-podcast/id1502752007?i=1000544983827
  18. Thanks for the report. Will be up that way in a few weeks!
  19. If you’re looking for shallower water trolling, I’d say April-May. They’ll start to slide out deeper as the shallows warm up, but as mentioned above you can pattern the move. I’m trying to figure that out myself and get more success on Browns through the warmer months. Good luck!
  20. What site is the satellite image from?
  21. PM sent for planer reels.
  22. Nothing like hooking a garage! They pull hard! [emoji38] Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  23. Kinda mentioned before, but… A tip I got for after respooling with wire was the next trip out, put a diver in the water tripped, so it doesn’t dig. Let out the entire spool under control, then reel it back in. This will put all the wire on under tension. It’s a pain, and takes some time (I have 1000’ on mine), but trip to trip performance has been better! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
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